608 MAG May 2021

S ylvester Jackson is the lead organizer of the EX-incarcerated People Organizing (EXPO) Milwaukee chapter. During his 10 years in the prison system, Jackson experienced several situations that would become the groundwork for his advocacy within the organization. “It was after entering the system that I became aware of the injustice and violation of individual and constitutional rights. I made it a goal to go to a law library to educate myself to the fullest on how to protect my rights and those of other individuals. While incarcerated, I began filing complaints and lawsuits against the Wisconsin Department of Corrections for various violations. I realized people were being put at risk, and some were dying. I met a gentleman who had an infection in one of his toes.The medical professionals ignored his infection until his toe presented signs of gangrene. I witnessed him telling them he needed to go to the hospital, but that was not enough to compel them to allow him to go. He wasn’t released until they took off his shoe and his toe was unrecognizable. He told me that when he got to the hospital the surgeon said the only thing holding his toe to his foot was ligament tissue. The definition of the word “correctional” is to make something that’s wrong right.That’s not the case inside the correctional system. It’s set up to keep people ignorant, down, in despair, and unprepared for release. During my time in prison, I was not given the mental help that I needed, nor was I given the tools or resources to prepare for my return to the community. I’ve seen correctional officers administering insulin, though they’re not licensed medical providers. When I was released, I was only given a bus ticket. I had no extra clothes and was just sent to the streets.” Jackson was placed in the Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility in 2017, when he learned about EXPO. Words from EXPO’s Sylvester Jackson A Voice Behind the Walls

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