608 MAG May 2021
T he past year has been challenging and inspiring at the same time. Despite a global pandemic, eco- nomic uncertainty, police violence, mass protest and a highly contentious election. In the midst of it all, I witness our communities come together in a way that is encouraging and it makes me proud to be a part of. We came together like never before to accomplice so much. As COVID-19 rips through our communities in what has been deemed unprecedented times. We continue to move forward. Throughout 2020 EXPO we have continued to work towards fulfilling our mission to dismantle all systems that support mass incarceration and excessive super- vision and build safe communities and healthy families. In response to COVID-19, EXPO was able to create emergency housing assistance fund with the support from our national partners FICPFM (Formerly Incarcer- ated Convicted People and Family Movement) we were able to assist 35 returning citizens and 10 families with housing assistance. We had a drive to de-carcerate in July with over 125 vehicles that drove around the capital then to the Governors mansion for a protest to reduce Wisconsin prison population do to COVID-19 spread. Our RVP (Relational Voters Program) has put EXPO in direct contact with over 350 individuals inside Wiscon- sin’s prisons.
event. They ran from Milwaukee to Madison (State Capi- tal) an over 80 mile run in increment weather. We contin- ue to lead the “Restoring Our Communities” campaign with our partners WISDOM and its affiliates. EXPO offers support and specialized leadership training and engages those impacted by incarceration in reforming our crimi- nal legal system and restoring our communities. EXPO leaders have been meeting with Wisconsin De- partment of Corrections Secretary and his Administra- tive staff, and have been instrumental in creating several changes to reform how corrections operate in our state. We have been on several of the Governors task forces to bring the lived experience to these conversations. We continue to push the message that not only do we need to be seated at the table, but we also need to set the agenda and center our voices in the work to be done. Nothing about us without us! As we continue to build our base, The Free Campaign, founded by women members of EXPO Wisconsin has grown tremendously during these uncertain times. De- veloping networks of directly impacted women around the state. Sharing their personal experiences around the issues that impact incarcerated and formerly incarcer- ated women has enlightened our communities on the issue’s women face. I would like to acknowledge some our valuable partners in the movement in Wisconsin. Thank you, WISDOM, ACLU Smart Justice, All Of Us Or None, Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership, Just Dane, Project Return, Table of The Saints, Advancement Project, and Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People and Family Movement (FICP- FM), to name a few.
EXPO have had over 30 virtual events during the past year. While conducting these webinars, townhalls and trainings to educate directly impacted people and family members on how to advocate for their loved ones, we continue to be the voices of change in Wisconsin. I want to give a shout out to Ramiah Whiteside and Kevin Cook for their efforts in bringing at- tention to the state legislature efforts to not vaccinate incarcerated people, with their “Running For Their Lives”
We were able to assist 35 returning citizens and 10 families with housing assistance. ” “ - Jerome Dillard
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