608 MAG May 2021
A VOICE Trhough Music
As he continues making music, the 24-year-old says his work is about more than writing lyrics and making beats. It’s also about making an impact in the community. “I feel like when people go through things, they’re looking for ways to cope. So whenever I’m doing what I’m doing, I try to make sure it’s meaningful. I also want to make music that’s positively impacting the youth. I have to look at what type of appearance I’m putting RSHN was born in Little Rock, AR, and later moved to Milwaukee. He then moved to Madison while in high school. “Growing up, I used to be worried about building up my name. That was my focus. But I stopped doing that and put my attention on what I wanted to do with myself. I kept doing that, and I soon looked up and saw that people in high school and on the internet were looking up to me. So I really do hope my music inspires people.” In 2016, he held his first show, and it sold out. “That was huge. I was right out of high school. But I was so ready to be the person I wanted to be.” Impacting the Community Rashaun Randle, better known as RSHN, is a rapper and songwriter who mostly performs the genres of R&B, soul, hip-hop, and pop. His pursuit of musical success began when he was in high school. He was hanging out with some of his friends, and they inadvertently made a song that grew in popularity throughout their school. As RSHN made more music, his songs gained between 60,000 and 100,000 streams.
out. People can gravitate to your energy, so I want to make sure my energy is the right kind to put out. Once it’s out there, it’s out there.” He says he also wants to be a voice for those who may not have a platform to express themselves. “I want to make sure I’m making music for people going through things who can’t really speak. That’s what inspired the music I’m making. I was listening to music that would help me get through whatever I was experiencing. Now I’m just hoping to put back in what I got out of music. I feel like music changes the world. Without it, the world would be dull. Whatever mood you’re feeling, there’s a certain song you can go to that speaks to that feeling.”
People can gravitate to your energy, so I want to make sure my energy is the right kind to put out. Once it’s out there, it’s out there.
- Rashaun Randle
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