ASF publication

H OW YOU CA N H E L P Our initiative was supported for years from the personal resources of Robert Campbell (my husband) and the resources of the late Charlie Moore. Professional resources were contributed by Omar Muhammad and a host of men and women who provided their time, resources, and efforts as board and advisory board members. MARLOW, a 54-year-old homeless , alcoholic spent two years sleeping in a boat. In 2002, he decided to do something different. He came to A Step Forward for housing and treatment. Fourteen years later he is celebrating 14 years of sobriety, 12 years of marriage, 10 years as a state employee and has served as his church’s trustee for more than 12 years. He is a productive member of our society! A Step Forward, Inc. opened its doors in 2002. Our goal was to use our gifts and talents to help others realize theirs. In the beginning, there were no resources available. We had a house full of homeless men who had no resources, but a host of needs. They needed clean clothes, monetary and medical bene ts, identi cation, warrants squashed, records expunged, mental health services, mentors, support groups, food, and a safe environment conducive to recovery.

”WE HAD A HOUSE FULL OF HOMELESS MEN WHO HAD NO RESOURCES BUT A HOST OF NEEDS.” – Lela Campbell, founder and president, A Step Forward

The Importance of Volunteerism, Partnerships, an

By Lela Campbell, founder and president 8

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