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“I think this opens up a large world view with regards to this system in the brain.” - Dr. Heath Schmidt

“These results are very provocative and suggest these compounds could be repur- posed for drug addiction.” - Dr. Heath Schmidt,

University of Pennsylvania

D espite years of stigma, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is steadily gaining in popularity among treatment providers. Government groups like the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services are actively campaigning to get more providers to offer MAT as a potentially vital resource for patients. While such groups often promote well-known medications such as methadone and buprenorphine, drug researchers are looking for new medications that could be a lifeline to patients in need. But new medications can cost millions to research and take years to get on the market. That’s why some researchers are taking a closer look, and finding success, with drugs already approved by the FDA. CURBING COCAINE USE Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say a drug already on the market for diabetes may be able to curb cocaine use. The FDA-approved drug Byetta, used to regulate blood sugar in diabetic patients, is derived from a natural hormone known as GLP-1. The research team looked at how the hormone functioned in rats and found that the same hormone that regulates food intake could be used to suppress cocaine consump- tion. “These results are very provocative and suggest these compounds could be repurposed for drug addiction,” says Dr. Heath Schmidt, one of the lead researchers. “We have seen a reduction in cocaine consumption…but it doesn’t completely abolish it.” Currently, there is no FDA-approved drug for the treatment of cocaine abuse. But because Byetta and a similar drug have already gained federal approval, researchers say that leaves fewer hurdles before they could be used in treatment settings. Although still far from human trials, research- ers say they’re optimistic, especially because their research suggests the hormone is not specific to cocaine and could be used in treatment of other substance abuse disorders. “I think this opens up a large world view with regards to this system in the brain,” Dr. Schmidt says. “There’s really a lot to be explored here and I think it’s really an exciting time to be in the field and exploring the GLP- 1 system.”

ADJUSTING ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Another team of researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia believe the FDA-approved drug pindolol could be used to stop alcohol abuse. Pindolol is an anti-hypertensive medication used to treat high blood pres- sure. But because of the way it interacts with neurotransmit- ters in the brain, they believe it could also be effective in treating alcohol use disorders (AUDs). To study the drug’s effect, the team used mice and exposed them to an alcohol consump- tion regimen similar to a binge drinking cycle common in humans. For mice also given pindolol, the team found they were able to reduce drinking in the long term (after at least 12 weeks). The team did not see as positive of results in the short term (only four weeks), but they say they’re still excited about its potential uses. “Although further mechanistic investigations are required, this study demonstrates the poten- tial of pindolol as a new treat- ment option for AUDs that can be fast-tracked into human clin- ical studies,” the authors wrote.

CONTACT US: 1423 Field Detroit, MI 48214 313.924.7860

CONTACT US: 1423 Field Detroit, MI 48214 313.924.7860

CONTACT US: 1423 Field Detroit, MI 48214 313.924.7860



“It’s really just about being around like-minded people and developing that ‘we’ as a support system.”

– Dr. Gerard Love, Slippery Rock University

INSERT 5 “It’s really just about being around like-minded people and developing that ‘we’ as a support system,” Dr. Love says. Dr. Love says simply having a recovery space

“Universities are supposed to be about dialogue, and having this is a great opportunity for dialogue,” Dr. Love says. “Bringing this whole notion of addiction out of the shadows and increasing understanding, I think will be a good byproduct of this.”

on a college campus could help change perceptions about recovery and remove the stigma surrounding addiction.

Of cials at the University of Minnesota – Rochester will also be opening a new recovery LLC for the fall 2016 semester. Of cials say it’s necessary to provide recovering students with the tools they need to succeed academically and in their personal lives. “Historically, students who are in recovery really struggle to come back to campus without that [supportive housing] program,” says Kris Barry, the school’s health and wellness advocate. The LLC will house six to 10 students and feature evidence-based recovery programming. Of cials say the LLC speaks to the school’s mission as a health-focused university. But more than that, they say they hope to foster a culture of personal growth among all students, particularly those in recovery. “I see them as being leaders here on campus and then taking that and changing the dialogue about addiction,” Barry says. “We know that the traditional college experience can be hostile to the goals of anyone in recovery, and we want to support them as much as possible.”

Boyd Austin says student communities centered on recovery provide a welcome relief for students to explore their university in a supportive and positive way. “It o ers a space, it o ers a culture, it o ers a community of people who are engaging in college in the same way,” Boyd Austin says.

Experts say universities are increasingly adding recovery programs focused on creating a community among students, but ones incorporating housing are still few and far between. “This started about 30 years ago, but it has really taken off in the last 10 years,” says Amy Boyd Austin, president-elect of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education.


CONTACT US: 1423 Field Detroit, MI 48214 313.924.7860

CONTACT US: 1423 Field Detroit, MI 48214 313.924.7860

CONTACT US: 1423 Field Detroit, MI 48214 313.924.7860

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