Annual Report BGCDC

Vaccine Cl inics


The Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County is partnering with Fitchburg Fami- ly Pharmacy and UW-Madison School of Pharmacy to host three COVID-19 vaccination clinics in April for ages 18 and older. These clinics will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays April 10, April 17 and April 24 at the BGCDC’s McKenzie Family Boys & Girls Club, Taft Street Boys & Girls Club and Allied Family Center Boys & Girls Club. Those interested can register online at or call (608) 661-4726. Fitchburg Family Pharmacy was provided Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccines and are committed to allocating 1,500 to BGCDC for dis- tribution. BGCDC is focusing on the communities they serve to lessen barri- ers to access. Students from UW-Madison School of Pharmacy will be volun- teering at the clinics and helping to administer the vaccines. “We are incredibly grateful to provide this opportunity for our communities and provide COVID-19 vaccines to those who may not have easy access,” says Michael Johnson, President and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County. “In the first twenty minutes of open registration, we saw over 120 people sign up.” Next month, Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County, in partnership with UW-Mad- ison School of Pharmacy and Fitchburg Family Pharmacy, will conduct a public awareness and education campaign the week of May 10 leading up to another vaccination clinic on Saturday, May 15. BOYS&GIRLSCLUBSOF DANE COUNTY TOHOSTVACCINE CLINICS TO INCREASE ACCESS

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