Annual Report BGCDC

A story on Jahir Duran Nunez A Safe Place to Have Fun!

Boys and girls clubs provide summer camps and sports programs to keep kids healthy, active, and engaged positively. Being a part of these programs can help to bring communities together despite ethnicity and cultural background. Kids can be kids and have fun while they learn at the same time. Parents don’t have to worry about knowing their loved ones are in a safe place. Every year thousands of children like Jahir attend local clubs to participate in programs that help them to succeed in life. It’s not surprising to hear of volunteers rising from amidst the prior generation to help the youth that follows because the experience they had when they attended a local club transformed their lives for the better. Like Jaire Alexander from the Green Bay Packers, some of the world’s greatest athletes have come from being a part of local clubs as they were growing up. Being a part of the boys and girls club offers the children a safe place to have fun and use their imaginations. Who knows? With so much creativity and inspiration lingering within the walls of the Club in Dane County, WI, Jahir Duran Nunez could be the next athletic role model to lead future generations to come.


“E very day in America, 11 million kids (1 in 5) leave school with nowhere to go. They risk being unsupervised, unguided, and unsafe. In the summer, 43 million (3 of 4) kids lack access to summer learning programs. To improve the outlook of our nation, we must redefine the opportunity equation: school + out of school = great futures.” -Boys and Girls Club of America. Jahir Duran Nunez has been going to the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County since he was about six years old. Now at 11 years old, he currently attends Savannah Oaks, where his favorite subject is math. At such a young and impressionable age, his focus is on fun and the future. He states, “I like going to the club because I get to be with friends and play sports that I normally wouldn’t get to play.” Jahir loves to play basketball, football, and video games with his brother.

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