Annual Report BGCDC

“I had such a great experience in the program for so long, I decided to come back to help” WORDS FROM MANNEH

coming here. It’s a great experience for kids, you learn to explore a lot of sports you might not have ever played, and it’s all been so good.” OPPORTUNITIES & EXPRESSION The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County gives children opportunities for expressing themselves and learning new things. They also receive support, a lot of fun activities, friendship and guidance on how to achieve greatness in their lives. This organization was named one of the Top Five Boys and Girls Clubs in the nation in 2011 for finan - cial literacy and educational

programming. They serve more than 7,500 young people in our community. They transport more than 625 children weekly from 19 schools in the area to their Club locations. Children are excelling with their creative arts division, allowing hun- dreds of young people to appreciate art. In addition, more than 12,000 donors and volunteers support the Club’s members annually. For Cristial Manneh, he can testify that the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County has helped him determine reach- able goals and provide for him a path to a bright future.

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