Annual Report BGCDC
to spend her free time painting,
doing art projects, kayaking and
biking. Although she claims to be
“somewhat of a homebody”, she
still likes to get out and enjoy her
life. Thanks to the amazing college,
potential career and life skills advice
the Boys and Girls Club provided to
her as a high school student, Andrea
is so grateful to the organization,
and she feels her opportunities are
She said theywereverywelcoming, andtheyofferedherall kindsof information
and advice about her goals, her desire to attend and graduate college, as
well as the opportunity to do something really good in the community. They
really helped guide her in the right direction … the future she envisioned for
herself. “My original goal was to see if this was really something I wanted to
do (pursue), like going the nonprofit route”, says Andrea.
She said being a part of the Boys and Girls Club in high
school, truly getting to see all they do for the youth in the community, as well
as taking the internship, really pushed her see what she wanted to do with
her education and her future, and it motivated her to pursue her education
in this area. In addition to being a full-time student and intern, Andrea likes
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