Annual Report BGCDC
A GRE AT S U P PO RT ER A Story SharedWithYou About DevonWells
D evon Wells may very well end up being the greatest spokesperson and supporter of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County. He is enthusiastic, eloquent in his speaking, and he has nothing but praise for this organization. Devon, soon to be a freshman at JamesMadisonHighSchool this fall, joined the Boys and Girls Club about five-years ago, while trying to “escape an issue” in his life. He still spends a lot of his time at the Club, understanding how much it helped him when he needed guidance in his five- years since joining. “The Boys and Girls Club has always felt like home to me. My home away from home away from home!” Devon
exclaimed. He loves anything involving literature, whether it is studying at school or reading at home. His favorite books are the “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” series. In addition tohis loveof reading, Devon plays soccer at his high school, loves to sing, and he also writes his own music, “a mix of pop and R & B.” most memorable experiences with the Boys and Girls Club was a trip to Washington, D.C., and they allowed Devon to take his entire family on the trip, and it was one of the best times of his life, “being with both my family and the Boys and Girls Club staff and members.”The Boys andGirls Club in Madison became a chartered One of Devon’s
affiliate of the organization in 1999. In 2009, they expanded their college preparatory programs into all four of the local high schools in the community. And in 2011, more than 2,000 youths in the area were served and helped through the local Boys and Girls Clubs. All of the young people involved in the college prep program that year graduated from high school, and 90% of those students went on to college. Those are some pretty amazing statistics for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dade County, and for youths like Devon, someone who has benefited and thrived through the Clubs, I believe his future will be very bright. According to Devon, “The Club brings out the best in everyone!’
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