
not just a bad habit It’s NOT JUSTA BAD HABIT something is a disease. Heart disease, diabetes and some not just a bad habit It’s T J STA BAD HABIT something is a disease. H art disease, diabetes and some something is a disease. Heart disease, diab tes and some R cent r search and ialogue in the political sph r have brought long-sim ering

Recent research and dialogue in the political sphere have brought long-simmering questions about addiction to the forefront: Is addiction truly a disease? Do addicts deserve to be treated like people who have a questions about ad iction o the fore: Is addiction truly a disease? Do addicts eserv to b treated lik people who hav a dise s that’s outside their control? disease that’s outside their control? While most researchers agree with the so-called disease model of addiction, stereotypes and cultural bias continue to stigmatize those with addiction because they made an initial choice to consume substances. However, Columbia University researchers point out that “choice does not determine whether 34 disease that’s outside th ir contr l? While most re earchers agree with the so-called disease model of addiction, stereotypes and cultura bi s continue to stigmatize hose with addiction because they made n initial choi e to consume substances. However, Columbia University researchers point ou tha “choi e does not de ermine whether 34 While most r searchers agre wi the so-called isease model of ad iction, st r otypes and cultural bias co tinue to stigmatize those with ad iction because they made an initial choice to consume substances. How ver, Columbia University r s archers point out that “choice does not det rmine whether Recent r search and dialogue in the political sphere have brought long-simmering questions about addiction the fore ront: Is addiction truly a disease? Do addicts de erve to be trea ed like peo l who have

forms of cancer involve personal choices like diet, exercise, sun exposure, etc. A disease is what happens in the body as a result of those choices.” Experts say that applying the distinction of choice to addiction creates biases that justify inadequate treatment. It begs the question New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie asked during a 2015 town hall meeting in New Hampshire. When Christie’s mother was diagnosed forms of cancer involve personal choi es like diet, exercis , sun exposure, etc. A disease is what happens in the body as a result of those choi es.” Experts say that applying the distinction of choi e to addiction creates bia es that jus ify inadequate treatment. It begs the question New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie asked during a 2015 town hall meeting in New Hampshire. When Christie’ mother was di gnosed forms of cancer involve personal choices like diet, xercise, sun exposur , etc. A disease is what happens in the body s a result of those choices.” Experts ay th t ap lying the distinction of choice to ad iction creates biases that justify inadequate treatmen . It begs the question New J rsey Gov. Chris Christie aske uring a 2015 town hall me ting in New Hampshire. When Christie’s mother was diagnosed with lung cancer at 71 as a result of addiction to tobacco, he noted that with lung cancer at 71 s a result of ad iction t tobacco, he noted that with lung cancer at 71 as a result of addiction tobacco, he noted hat

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