


Boys & Girls Club of Dane County

I t’s no surprise to hear about another successful student emerging from the Dane County Boys and Girls Club. With a don’t quit mentality on Ameri- ca’s youth, the staff makes themselves available for the students in every way pos- sible. From mentoring younger kids, raising volun- teers, and providing intern- ships that truly develop strong character traits for success, this group of peo- ple have proven time and again that they care. Hav- ing a variety of programs for kids to be a part of, the stories that emerge over time will undoubtedly have a ripple effect of a positive outcome for years to come. Chase McNeil has been a part of the Boys and Girls Club over the years. He enjoyed being a part of different programs offered there, has learned a lot, and Giving Back Is Amazing is now enjoying the oppor- tunity to give back to a pro- gram to help other kids in the same way it helped him. Chase is currently attend- “I think being a part of the club is a great opportunity. You don’t have to be afraid of not knowing what you want to do because they will help you.” Chase McNeill

ing Dixie State University and is majoring in Business Administration and minor- ing in Clothing Design. He states, “I’m going there for business admin- istration so that I know how to run a business, but I’m taking clothing design because that’s what I like. I also participate in BSU (Black Student Union).” Dixie State notes on their website, “BSU educates members of the commu- nity as a whole about the history and present life of black cultures. They raise awareness and encourage others to learn more about different black ethnicity.”

the Boys and Girls Club and his experience there, he states, “I think being a part of the club is a great oppor- tunity. You don’t have to be afraid of not knowing what you want to do because they will help you. This club opens up doors to meet people, and it’s life-changing. Being involved means a lot to me because I attended as a kid, and now we are raising money to help these kids. It’s amazing to be able to give back.”

While interviewing Chase about his favorite subject, he speaks with enthusi- asm, “I’m studying clothing design for that too!” Being an outgoing and athletic young man, he is also a part of the university football team. When talking about “This club opens up doors to meet people, and it’s life-changing. Being involved means a lot to me because I attended as a kid, and now we are raising money to help these kids”

Boys & Girls Club OF DANE COUNTY

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My original goal was to see if this was really something I wanted to do (pursue), like going the nonprofit route.

Andrea Hernandez INTERN

Helping organize special events with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County

A ndrea Hernandez is an intern helping to organize special events with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. She is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin/Madison. She is majoring in Community Nonprofit and Leadership, with certificates in Chica and Latino Studies, as well as Disability Rates and Services. It’s no surprise that Andrea found herself interning for the Boys and Girls Club … she has her own experience and history with the organization. When Andrea was a high school student, she reached out to the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County to try to find some direction and leadership for her future. What she encountered at the Boys and Girls Club was a very positive experience. She said they were very welcoming, and they offered her all kinds of information and advice about her goals, her desire

to attend and graduate college, as well as the opportunity to do something re- ally good in the community. They really helped guide her in the right direction … the future she envisioned for herself. “My original goal was to see if this was really something I wanted to do (pursue), like going the nonprofit route”, says An - drea. She said being a part of the Boys and Girls Club in high school, truly getting to see all they do for the youth in the com- munity, as well as taking the internship, really pushed her see what she wanted to do with her education and her future, and it motivated her to pursue her edu- cation in this area. In addition to being a full-time student and intern, Andrea likes to spend her free time painting, doing art projects, kayaking and biking. Although she claims to be “somewhat of a home- body”, she still likes to get out and enjoy >>> article continues on next page

I am so grateful to the organization, and I feel like my opportunities are boundless.

The Mission Statement of the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County is: “We will inspire and empower all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible and caring adults.”

her life. Thanks to the amazing college, potential career and life skills advice the Boys and Girls Club provided to her as a high school student, Andrea is so grate - ful to the organization, and she feels her opportunities are boundless.

Discovering talents in creative, performing, and fine arts.

Boys & Girls Club OF DANE COUNTY 608.661.4726 1818 W.Beltline Hwy Madison, WI 53713

Boys & Girls Club DANE COUNTY

A Great supporter

D evon Wells may very well end up being the greatest spokesperson and supporter of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County. He is enthusiastic, eloquent in his speaking, and he has nothing but praise for this organization. Devon, soon to be a fresh- man at James Madison High School this fall, joined the Boys and Girls Club about five-years ago, while try -

ing to “escape an issue” in his life. He still spends a lot of his time at the Club, understanding how much it helped him when he needed guidance in his five- years since joining. “The Boys and Girls Club has always felt like home to me. My home away from home away from home!” Devon exclaimed. He loves anything involving litera- ture, whether it is study- Devon Wells

ing at school or reading at home. His favorite books away from home away from home!” “The Boys and Girls Club has always felt like home to me. My home

the area were served and helped through the local Boys and Girls Clubs. All of the young people involved in the college prep program that year graduated from high school, and 90% of those students went on to college. Those are some pret- ty amazing statistics for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dade County, and for youths like Devon, some- one who has benefited and thrived through the Clubs, I believe his future will be very bright. According to Devon, “The Club brings out the best in everyone!’

are the “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” series. In addi- tion to his love of reading, Devon plays soccer at his high school, loves to sing, and he also writes his own music, “a mix of pop and R & On B e .” of Devon’s most mem- orable experiences with the Boys and Girls Club was a trip to Washington, D.C., and they allowed Devon to take his entire family on the trip, and it was one of the best times of his life, “being with both my family and the Boys and Girls Club staff and mem- bers.” The Boys and Girls

Club in Madison became a chartered affiliate of the organization in 1999. In 2009, they expanded their college preparatory pro- grams into all four of the local high schools in the community. And in 2011, more than 2,000 youths in out the best in everyone!” “The Club brings


Transforming our youth into the leaders of tomorrow.

Boys & Girls Club OF DANE COUNTY | 608.661.4726


1818 W.Beltline Hwy, Madison, WI 53713 |

I can testify that the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County has helped me determine reachable goals and provide for me a path to a bright future.

Cristial Manneh

“I had such a great experience in the program for so long, I decided to come back to help” C ristial Manneh, a 15 year-old high school student in the 608 community, came back to the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County to work for the organiza- tion. Cristial started out in the Boys and Girls Club at age six or seven, and he had such a great experience in the program for so long, he decided to come back to help. “I really loved coming here. It’s a great experience for kids, you learn to explore a lot of sports you might not have ever played, and it’s all been so good.” OPPORTUNITIES & EXPRESSION The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County gives children opportunities for express- ing themselves and learning new things. They also receive support, a lot of fun activities, friendship and guidance on how to achieve greatness in their lives.

THE BEST TIMES Cristial remembers some of the best times of his life as a part of the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. He loved playing all the water games and ac- tivities the Club offered when he was younger, but his best memory was get - ting the opportunity to meet one of his basketball heroes, Nigel Hayes, at not one, but TWO of the Boys and Girls Clubs in the area. Nigel was a basketball star for the University of Wisconsin Badgers, and he was drafted by the NBA in 2017. That was a huge moment for Cristial as a young boy who wanted to become a basketball star, too. He is excited for his high school basketball season to be- gin, where he plays center and loves the game. Reminiscing about his youth with the Boys and Girls Club, Cristial says,

This organization was named one of the Top Five Boys and Girls Clubs in the nation in 2011 for financial literacy and educational programming. They serve more than 7,500 young people in our community. They transport more than 625 children weekly from 19 schools in the area to their Club locations. Children are excelling with their creative arts divi- sion, allowing hundreds of young people to appreciate art. In addition, more than 12,000 donors and volunteers support the Club’s members annually. For Cristial Manneh, he can testify that the Boys and Girls Club of Dane Coun- ty has helped him determine reachable goals and provide for him a path to a bright future.



608-661-4726 1818 W. Beltline Hwy Madison, WI 53713

EER DEVELOPMENT Helping our kids succeed in school and beyond

While I am not directly working for the club, having the opportunity allows me to “grow professionally.”

Loving Team Spirit Citlali Rodriguez “I want to work with kids. I don’t want to sit in an office all day.”

T here’s nothing more rewarding than to meet young, ambitious people with a heart to help and serve others. Finding youth with a love for working as a team is priceless, especially when it seems that the most incredible adventures oc- cur when we all work together in unison for the benefit of others. Citlali Rodriguez graduated from La Fol - lette High School in 2019. “La Follette High School is a public school located in Madison, Wisconsin, serving the city’s far east side with its attendance. Boundaries including parts of the City of Madison, the City of Fitchburg, Town of Blooming Grove, and Town of Burke, teaching stu - dents in grades 9-12.” – Google. This young lady is currently attending Madison College, where she’s currently studying to become a social worker for families and children. Being very ambi- tious, Citlali also dreams of becoming a Dental Hygienist, stating, “I want to work with kids. I don’t want to sit in an office all day.” This statement makes sense when talking with Citlali, who has been very active in her young life. While she studies to further her career in helping

others, she states, “My current hobbies include going to the gym. I was in sports while in middle school and high school. I like to stay active.” In her downtime, she enjoys sitting by the lake to relax and listen to music and paint. Though she giggles when talking about it, she also states, “I like to color and art in general.” Citlali is an intern with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. While she’s not directly working for the club, she adds that having the opportunity allows her to “grow professionally.” She thrives on being a part of a network of people with great Team Spirit in the Madison Area. This young lady enjoys working at the club and loves seeing how everyone con- tributes to reaching common goals. Volunteers and interns are an essen- tial part of the boys and girls clubs. The work they offer adds value and has a meaningful impact on the lives of so many children who often need a friend or mentor. The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County expresses, “Our organization’s success is thanks to our volunteers.”

Boys & Girls Club DANE COUNTY

safe place to have Fun

“E very day in America, 11 million kids (1 in 5) leave school with nowhere to go. They risk being unsu- pervised, unguided, and unsafe. In the summer, 43 million (3 of 4) kids lack access to summer learning programs. To improve the outlook of our nation, we must redefine the opportu - nity equation: school + out of school = great futures.” -Boys and Girls Club of America.

Jahir Duran Nunez

Jahir Duran Nunez has been going to the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County since he was about six years old. Now at 11 years old, he currently attends Savannah Oaks, where his favorite subject is math. At such a young and im- pressionable age, his focus is on fun and the future. He states, “I like going to the club because I get to be with friends and play

“I like going to the club because I get to be with friends and play sports that I normally wouldn’t get to play.”

sports that I normally wouldn’t get to play.” Jahir loves to play basketball, football, and video games with his brother. Boys and girls clubs pro- vide summer camps and sports programs to keep kids healthy, active, and engaged positively. Being a part of these programs can help to bring communities together despite ethnicity and cultural background. Kids can be kids and have fun while they learn at the same time. Parents don’t have to worry about know- ing their loved ones are in a safe place. Every year thou- sands of children like Jahir

formed their lives for the better. Like Jaire Alexander from the Green Bay Pack- ers, some of the world’s greatest athletes have come from being a part of local clubs as they were grow- ing up. Being a part of the boys and girls club offers the children a safe place to have fun and use their imaginations. Who knows? With so much creativity and inspiration lingering within the walls of the Club in Dane County, WI, Jahir Duran Nunez could be the next athletic role model to lead future generations to come.

attend local clubs to par- ticipate in programs that help them to succeed in life. It’s not surprising to hear of volunteers rising from amidst the prior genera- tion to help the youth that follows because the expe- rience they had when they attended a local club trans- “I love to play basket- ball, football, and video games with my brother.”


The Arts

Heal Welln


CONTACT US TODAY: 608.661.4726 | 1818 W.

The BGCDC Virtual Club will have a variety of activities every day, just like we have in the Clubs. E DIGITAL FUTURE

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. Beltline Hwy, Madison, WI 53713 |


The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County offers a safe space, caring mentors, and quality programs that help build strong character and practical living skills and empower students to excel in life. One Graduate finds excellent value in the Club and states, “I find things of value are always important to highlight.” Sheikh Jammeh recently graduated, majoring in Creative Writing and Critical theory. He plans to continue his education to complete Grad School. He states, “I wanted to attend last year, but many things changed with COVID and everything, so I decided to extend my time and sit on that decision for a little while. I do plan to further my education.”

Sheikh’s favorite topics are in History and Poetry, stating, “I did go to school for creative writing. I like to intertwine the two. Because of my second major of Critical Theory, the historical aspects tend to blend with the practical aspects of my writing process.” This young Graduate was more active in the leadership programs when he was in high school. He loved that the Club offers a “space for all students.” Meaning that there are many staff and resources within the programs offered at any time. Sheik states, “Not all students know what they want to do in college or feel encouraged to venture out or diverge on a different path to explore


other things. Even if students are not working directly in a program, there are always resources available. I think this Club is unique because the experience here outside of a college campus is not typical, and I find it valuable and important to highlight. The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County offers many programs through which students can be mentored and encouraged to excel. Their website lists Toft Summer Club, Mckenzie Club Summer Camp, Summer Sports Academy, Family Meals on the Go, Virtual

Programs, Youth Career Development, Teen Programs, Club-Based, and Tops College Success. Sheikh shares many great thoughts about his time at the Club but states, “My favorite thing about it all is that it has allowed me to take part in their internships, one of which I worked for the Capital Times a few years back as a summer intern reporter. It was a great experience and enabled me to make a variety of important connections.” That’s value worth highlighting.


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