
Loving Team Spirit Citlali Rodriguez “I want to work with kids. I don’t want to sit in an office all day.”

T here’s nothing more rewarding than to meet young, ambitious people with a heart to help and serve others. Finding youth with a love for working as a team is priceless, especially when it seems that the most incredible adventures oc- cur when we all work together in unison for the benefit of others. Citlali Rodriguez graduated from La Fol - lette High School in 2019. “La Follette High School is a public school located in Madison, Wisconsin, serving the city’s far east side with its attendance. Boundaries including parts of the City of Madison, the City of Fitchburg, Town of Blooming Grove, and Town of Burke, teaching stu - dents in grades 9-12.” – Google. This young lady is currently attending Madison College, where she’s currently studying to become a social worker for families and children. Being very ambi- tious, Citlali also dreams of becoming a Dental Hygienist, stating, “I want to work with kids. I don’t want to sit in an office all day.” This statement makes sense when talking with Citlali, who has been very active in her young life. While she studies to further her career in helping

others, she states, “My current hobbies include going to the gym. I was in sports while in middle school and high school. I like to stay active.” In her downtime, she enjoys sitting by the lake to relax and listen to music and paint. Though she giggles when talking about it, she also states, “I like to color and art in general.” Citlali is an intern with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. While she’s not directly working for the club, she adds that having the opportunity allows her to “grow professionally.” She thrives on being a part of a network of people with great Team Spirit in the Madison Area. This young lady enjoys working at the club and loves seeing how everyone con- tributes to reaching common goals. Volunteers and interns are an essen- tial part of the boys and girls clubs. The work they offer adds value and has a meaningful impact on the lives of so many children who often need a friend or mentor. The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County expresses, “Our organization’s success is thanks to our volunteers.”

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