Carter G Woodson Annual Report
Message from Basileus of G mma Gamma Gamma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. O n behalf of the Gamma Gamma Gamma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, it is my Rafeeq Asad
and the work of the Carter G. Woodson Foundation, that I can proudly say that the Madison Omegas has and continues to help improve the quality of life for the less fortunate in the Madison community. This has continued to be a year of incredible adjustments, ingenuity, and perseverance. Despite the unprecedented times across the national landscape of social justice, politics, race relations and a global pandemic; we pride ourselves on our dedication to greatness and remaining actively engaged in the community and at large. Following an award-winning year for the chapter, we did not let the challenging environment hinder us from our social actionmandates andworkinghard forOmega. TheGammaGammaGammaChapter has remained focused, disciplined and dedicated to having an immense impact within the community. While our brothers climb and reach new heights in their respective fields, we remember to lift our neighbors in the backyards of the city in which we live, work, and play. We have embarked on our largest health initiative to date in securing the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Covid-19 Vaccine OutreachGrantandhaspartneredwiththeWoodson Foundation to execute it across the city of Madison. As Basileus of this small, but mighty chapter, I am excited about our forward movement and look to grow our reach throughout the Madison and Dane County areas in continued partnership with the Carter G. Woodson Foundation. Together, we will be the change agents needed, continuing to set a clear vision for this chapter while striving to change lives and uplift the community.
honor to share with you our involvement and commitment to the Carter G. Woodson Scholarship and Community Service Foundation. The Foundation is the service arm of the Gamma Gamma Gamma chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and has a 501(c)(3). Status as a charitable corporation from the internal revenue Service. Themission of the foundation is twofold: to provide community service to the disadvantaged and downtrodden and to extend scholarships to graduating seniors who enroll full time in accredited post-secondary educational institutions. It is through these focused efforts
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