Carter G Woodson Annual Report

Written By ~ Wesley Herden & Pastor Anthony Wade

COVID 19 VACCINATION AWARENESS CAMPAIGN that return depended heavily upon the vaccination of as many of our nation’s citizens as we could reach. Studies and reality have shown that African Americans are being vaccinated at much slower rates than the rest of the population due to lack of information, fear, access, and trust in the process.

As you are aware, the Corona- virus or COVID-19 ravaged both our nation, and the world. Hospitals were overloaded with the detection and treatment of those infected with the virus. K-12 schools closed, colleges and universities either closed or switched to online instruction, conferences and events canceled, companies requiring employees to work from home, high school, college, and professional sports events canceled or suspended, and citizens throughout our nation were instructed to engage in social distancing of six feet or more, quarantine t h e m s e l v e s in their

homes, and wear masks when around others. Many businesses, schools, and other public activities were canceled due to fear that their operation or event would facilitate the spread of the virus. As the world begins to open back up, states have begun to lift COVID restrictions. Children are returning to schools, sporting events are being hosted, businesses are opening their doors, and theworld is attempting to return to some sense o f pre-COVID normalcy. Howe v e r ,

Our organization, the Carter G. Woodson Scholarship and Community Service Foundation,Inc. (hereinafter, “CGW”), was developed to serve high-risk and underserved populations including racial and ethnic minority populations who face racial, economic,


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