
SUB HEAD HERE rehabilitation and treatment centers but strug- gled with relapse after the death of his father. He later decided to resume his treatment and started the online search that led him to CHOICES of Port Clinton. “I went for an assessment, and everything just clicked. After I started, I immersed myself in the program.” He began with three sessions each week, along with a visit with his counselor. Mayle attributes much of his success in the program to the dedicated work of its coun- selors. “They’re amazing. It’s hard to describe how much they care.” He’s now advanced to attending group sessions just once a week. “I’ve been fully dedicated since starting, and this program has made it easy for me to feel that way.” Between the medication plan and the counselors, Mayle says his new experi- ence of recovery has given him an improved perspective. “I want to look into getting a job somewhere as a counselor myself one day. I want to take advantage of everything CHOIC- ES has offered me.” In addition to mental health and addiction counseling, the program has also offered legal assistance with some of Mayle’s cases. “I had a couple of charges from some gun trouble I was in and was looking at a couple of felo- nies. Because I’ve proven how dedicated I am to sustaining this new life, the staff here have helped me get that reduced to a misdemean- or and avoid jail time. That’s been tremen- dous, and they’ve helped me in every aspect of my life. I can’t thank them enough.” Since starting at CHOICES, Mayle has passed every one of his drug tests and is working to cele- brate a full year of sobriety.

"I went for an assessment and everything just clicked."

-Brian Mayle

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