Online videos and TV ads The website has a series of short videos and TV ads, all with poignant soundbites and stories about the self-empowerment that comes from staying away from smoking. In a 30-second TV spot, young people, one after another, repeat the mantra, “I reject anything—including tobacco—that tries to control me.” Jayy Starr, a young hip-hop musi- cian, stars in a commercial where she tells the story of her grandfather. He smoked cigarettes for many years and died of lung cancer. “Losing my grandfather has influ- enced my whole musical being, because it makes me more passionate,” Starr says in a behind- the-scenes video for the ad. “I’m not going to lose
young man in sunglasses and a scarf. Throughout the videos, television ads and web content, Fresh Empire implores young people to think of cigarettes as an affront to autonomy. Surrendering to nicotine is not being in control, they say. Therefore, smoking is not fresh. “Losing my grandfather has influenced my whole musical being, because it makes me more passionate. I’m not going to lose another person to cigarettes. To me, being a leader means being
In another video, young people stand in the middle of the frame as messages flash on the screen alongside then. One reads “Long live Fresh Empire. Long live you. Live tobacco-free.” Another spot flashes empowering words for young women—“fresh,” “strong,” “boss,” “royal,” and “queen”—before a female voice-over says, “Fresh Empire is flippin’ the script in fash- ion, in hip-hop, in life.” Another video opens with the question “What’s Fresh Empire?” followed by a group of young people defining the tobacco-free movement. “It means looking out for you,” the first young man says. Another adds, “And your fam, too.” “When you are doing you, looking fresh, people follow,” says a stylish
tobacco-free.” -Singer Jayy Starr
another person to cigarettes. To me, being a leader means being tobacco free.”
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