
Philly freestylin’ Once they learn the basics, their sur- roundings provide ample room to progress. Suender says Philadelphia is particularly well-suited for BMX riding in particular, a form that can involve performing tricks on manmade features in the cityscape. “It’s great because of the environment that’s readily available to these kids,” Su- ender says. He goes on to describe the city’s features, historic and contemporary, that provide a wealth of obstacles for BMXers to tack- le. The city has been featured numerous times in skateboard and BMX videos, and a rider need not travel far to find a handrail to grind down, or a concrete ledge to jump off.

Two wheels, endless opportunities For those less inclined to the thrill of street riding, BMXlife covers many alternative aspects of riding. Suender says there are other valuable opportunities that biking can offer. He says having a hobby like biking can keep kids motivated and focused on something other than gangs and street life. The physical activity promotes healthy living, and the bike itself can serve as a sustainable means of transportation. Taking a look at the broader BMX industry, Suender says he will educate kids on filming, editing, photography and the mechanics of bike repair. “Maybe one of the kids won’t be into the riding aspect, but they’ll be into the mechanical side, or the filming and editing,” Suender says. “This will set them up with interests they can pursue down the road.” They are all skills Suender has successfully employed in his own BMX career. He says that BMX riding has enabled him to travel domestically and abroad, with his riding featured in videos, maga- zines and websites. It lends credibility to his message for the kids he works with, that they can do whatever they put their mind to. No matter which direction BMXlife leads its participants, the BMX culture presents opportunities that might not reach the kids through other media. And at the very least, Suender’s leadership sets an example for kids at risk. “I’m trying to provide a male role model and mentorship,” he says, “because a lot of these kids are coming from broken homes and don’t have any other outlets.” “Maybe one of the kids won’t be into the riding aspect, but they’ll be into the mechanical side, or the filming and editing. This will set them up with interests they can pursue down the road.” - David “Joby” Suender

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