EMAGES Magazine

As with the DCFS, CPS and his own NPO, the Emage Team is undoubtedly stronger and wiser thanks to Consultant/ Therapist Illige’s work and one might be inclined to bask in the glow of his achievements but when queried as to his greatest accomplishment to date, he humbly referred to his work as a youth counselor and shared- “ With youth guidance we’re helping traumatized children to stabilize and then become usefully whole. It’s a profound gift to receive and profoundly gratifying to be able to offer yourself to this cause.” Typically committed to working 12-14 hour days (and nights), Mr. Illige does not often look too far ahead of his loaded schedule yet is satisfied that he’s been able to achieve many if not all of the career goals he started with back in 1989. But he does maintain a satisfying dream of “ retiring gracefully” one day hopefully not too far in his future. Until that day the EMAGES Team remains grateful and our community remains well-served and deeply cared for by the type of wisdom and experience that will always benefit us all.

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