EVA Fall 2018
Before joining the Eva Life Giver staff, Dower-Wilson spent ve years providing care in an outpatient, physical rehabilitation center, working with people who had become addicted to opioid painkillers. “A number of them needed physical rehab following surgery or an injury, weren't dealing with the pain very well and became addicted. So we had to work on healing the injury and also address the addiction.” Dower-Wilson notes that the care provided by the program re ects the core values the program is based on, including showing compassion and empathy for each client and “meeting the client where they are.” As she continues her career, Dower-Wilson is working toward her registered nurse degree, and wants to delve further into the addiction treatment and recovery eld. “It's rewarding to see people living in recovery.” f r j i i t if i r t f , r- il t r r i i r i t ti t, i l r ilit ti t r, r i it l i t t i i i il r . r f t i l r f l i r r r i j r , r 't li it t i r l i t . t r li t i j r l r t i ti . r- il t t t t r r i t r r r t t r l t r r i , i l i i i t f r li t ti t li t r t r . ti r r r, r- il i r i t r r r i t r r r , t t l f rt r i t t i ti tr t t r r l . It' r r i t l li i i r r .
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