r. James Crawford on the Jessie Crawford Recovery Center MR. JAMES CRAWFORD JESSIE CRAWFORD ON THE RECOVERY CENTER M When James Crawford started the Jessie Crawford Recovery Center in Madison, he had no idea what it would soon grow to be. A sober living, case management, and addiction treatment facility, it also has the unique distinction of being the only minority owned and oper- ated facility in the region that oers treatment, housing, and counseling for people trying to make a positive change. How JCRC Came To Be e Jessie Crawford Recovery Center was not built overnight. Instead, it grew slowly over time out of a desire to oer services that were not readily available in the Madison area. When asked about why he chose to found the Jessie Crawford Recovery center, he reects, “I was associate director of a treatment agency in Madi- son that provided residential, half way, and ¾ housing and I saw people still had diculty nding a safe sober place in the community when they were done. At the time, the treatment agency wasn't interested in sober living houses. So, in 2012 I started the recovery center. It started small with 3 beds and demand just grew. Today we have more than 160 beds. We then found that there was such a need for housing that we needed more care oerings as well, like substance abuse treatment. In 2013, we opened a clinic to oer treatments and continued to grow. Now, our center oers housing as well as outpa- tient, intensive outpatient and day treatment services. e Jessie Crawford Recovery center is named in honor of Mr. Crawford’s mother, herself a recovered addict. e name brings both a personal signi cance to the project, but also serves as a symbol of hope and a sign that long term recovery is attainable.
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