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STILL EFFECTIVE After All These Years After 80 years, AA Still Works

NO No Woman CRY

McIntyre Center


Still Effective After All These Years After 80 years, AA still works

For those seeking to break free from addiction to drugs and alcohol, one of the most widely used -- and easily accessible -- tools has been the Twelve Steps, first published in 1939 in the book,”Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism.” Not much has changed since 1939, in what the Twelve Steps require of individuals, in order to regain control of their lives.The process, known to its adherents as “working the steps,” involves taking individual responsibility for one’s actions, admitting that one is powerless to control the addiction, and seeking the help of a higher power in order to heal. The benefits of the Twelve Step method are widely known: acceptance into a fellowship of non-users who regularly attend meetings to discuss their addictions, face their actions, and atone for them through spiritual practice and forgiveness. Although Alcoholics Anonymous and its many offshoots do not conduct or allow others to conduct research into the effectiveness of the methods, the military has produced studies that show individuals who attend meetings are 60% more likely to achieve sobriety than those who do not.

Millions of men and women around the world have used the Twelve Steps to break free from a wide variety of addictions and compulsions. More than 200 self-help organizations around the world have adopted twelve-step principles for help with compulsion for, and/or addiction to, gambling, crime, food, sex, hoarding, debting and over-working, among others.

Where did the Twelve Steps come from? According to an article published by AA co-founder Bill W. in 1953, there were three primary sources of inspiration: the Oxford Groups, Dr. William D. Silkworth of Towns Hospital and the famed psychologist, William James, widely considered the father of modern psychology. The Oxford Groups, an evangelical movement which became popular in the 1920’s and early 30’s, preached concepts like absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness and absolute love. “The Twelve Steps could be considered a personal roadmap for achieving sobriety and serenity.”


Combining science and spirituality William James’ major contribution to the philosophical underpinnings of AA was his book “Varieties of Religious Experience.” In his book, James provided scientific validation for the concept of spiritual experiences, which he said could transform people and enable them to overcome personal defeat and find recovery. The Twelve Steps could be considered a personal roadmap for achieving sobriety and serenity and living a life of freedom from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Each of the steps is only one sentence in length, but each one contains enough universally applicable wisdom and power to fill a book. While the 12 steps has provided a path to recovery for countless alcoholics, drug addicts and others seeking to break free from addictive or compulsive behavior, they have also sparked controversy and debate over the decades. The major source of controversy is AA’s longstanding emphasis on a belief in God. AA supporters point out that, in the AA context, that means belief in “a higher power,” a belief in something larger than the self.The phrase was coined in the early years of AA.

They also practiced a type of confession, which they called “sharing,” the making of amends for harms done they called “restitution.”They believed in the value of “quiet time,” a form of meditation and seeking of God’s guidance, practiced in both group and individual settings. Dr. Silkworth spent years helping alcoholics dry out at Towns Hospital in New York City. One of his core beliefs, which he often spoke on, was the disease concept of alcoholism -- defined as an obsession of the mind combined with an allergy of the body.

“’Higher power’ doesn’t necessarily mean a deity, and those who use the steps are free to interpret that phrase as they see fit.”

“Higher power” doesn’t necessarily have to mean a deity, and that those who use the steps are free to interpret that phrase as they see fit, based on their personal beliefs.The phrase could be applied to mean the power of the group, or nature. Some AA members around the world who don’t accept faith in a god as a necessary tenet have formed their own agnostic AA groups. More than 90 unofficial, self-described “agnostic AA” groups now meet regularly in the U.S., according to The debate continues. Some think the 82-year old organization has drifted away from its core principles and become too lenient, Lee Ann Kaskutas, senior scientist at the Public Health Institute’s Alcohol Research Group in Emeryville, Calif., told “Others think it’s too strict, so they want to change AA and make it get with the times.” Newcomers to AA are often advised to “take what you need and leave the rest,” Kaskutas points out.That flexibility allows participants to put together a recovery program that fits their needs. It’s one of the reason AA still works for people, eight decades after its founding. 15

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McIntyre Center

STUDY METHODOLOGY Studying mice genetically modified to be without the Nav1.7 channel, Wood found that such mice had bodies that dis- played a large increase in certain genes responsible for creating opioid peptides. Opioid peptides occur naturally in the body as the body’s painkiller and have a similar effect as opioids. In making more of the opioid pep- tides, the mice were blocking any feelings of pain, which might be the reason people suffering from CIP also don't feel pain. Wood thought that if he gave mice a medicine that reversed the effect of the opioid peptides, it may reverse the disorder. He gave the mice naloxone—a medication used to reverse opioid overdoses—and it worked. Wood figured the same could be done for humans. “After a decade of rather disap- pointing drug trials, we now have confirmation that Nav1.7 is a key element in human pain,” Woods says. “The secret ingredient turned out to be good old-fashioned opioid peptides, and we have now filed a patent for combining low dose opioids with Nav1.7 blockers. This should replicate the pain- lessness experienced by people with rare mutations, and we have already successfully tested this approach in unmodified mice.” CONGENITAL INSEN- SITIVITY TO PAIN (CIP) is a very rare genetic mu- tation that prevents mes- sages of physical pain from reaching the brain.

Research researcher and his team of researchers studied a 39-year-old woman with CIP. Using a laser beam and a dose of naloxone, Wood helped the woman, who elected to partici- pate anonymously, feel pain for the first time in her life. “Used in combination with Nav1.7 blockers, the dose of opioid needed to prevent pain is very low,” says Wood in an UCL release. “People

Using a test subject with a ge- netic mutation that prevents her from feeling pain, scientists have conducted research that shows promise in creating more effec- tive painkillers—and potentially decreasing the need for addictive opioids. Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP) is a very rare genetic muta- tion that prevents messages of physical pain from reaching the brain. Sufferers of the disorder, as babies, will chew their lips until they bleed. Toddlers have to deal with more potential for falls, bumps and being hurt by hot or sharp things. Adults are at a high- er risk of dying prematurely. The disorder leaves those afflict- ed without channels known as Nav1.7, which carry sodium to sensory nerves. Understanding this disorder and channels of pain reception and delivery has led re- searchers to study the disorder for ways to block pain in those who don't have the disorder. Research- ers thought they could block pain transporting channels in people without CIP so they can help those with chronic and painful ailments like arthritis. HELPING A WOMAN CRY In a study published by the journal Nature, John Wood, a University College London (UCL) Wolfson Institute for Biomedical

with nonfunctioning Nav1.7 produce low levels of opioids throughout their lives without de- veloping tolerance or experiencing unpleasant side effects.”

As for this work leading to com- plete cessation of pain, Wood tells the New Scientist that some research has found success, but nothing has led to the complete pain loss found in those that are naturally without Nav1.7 channels.

who doesn’t feel the Woman WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS.... As for people with CIP, Woods says he doesn't know if treatment using nalox- one is an option. Long-term use of naloxone could have side effects. What Woods can say, definitively, is that the mice in the experiment felt as little pain as mice who did not have the Nav1.7 channel naturally. Woods, his team, and the rest of the field are working to fill in the re- search gaps to start answering these questions for humans. “We hope to see our approach tested in human trials by 2017 and we can then start looking into drug combinations to help the millions of chronic pain patients around the world,” Woods says. Imperial College London professor Kenji Okuse reacted to Wood’s findings to the New Scientist, saying that the research will provide more information to doc- tors about pain.

Could help in making better painkillers.

We hope to see our

“Opioids and Nav1.7 blockers could provide much stronger analgesics, but they will not necessarily be better for patients,” Okuse says. “If we take the combination therapy route, people would have to take opioids throughout the lifetime, which is not a welcome thing.”

approach tested in human trials by 2017 and we can then start looking

into drug combinations to help the millions of chronic pain patients around the world. — John Wood, University College London Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research researcher

McIntyre Center

CONTACT US: 6929 W. 130th Street Parma Heights, OH 44130 440.817.1100

“There’s a lot of information that can be gained from when somebody relapses.” - Dr. Stephanie Carreiro, University of Massachusetts

Fitness trackers could help prevent relapses

Dr. Carreiro says wearable biosensors can detect a relapse event for some substances (like heroin and cocaine) by sensing a change in heart rate or other physical conditions. The treatment provider can then use the fitness tracker’s other information, like the time and location of the relapse event, to develop a profile about the conditions that prompt a patient to use. “It gives us very specific contextual information and serves as that reminder to the patient that someone could potentially know right away when they relapse,” Dr. Carreiro says.

Fitness trackers, or wearable biosensors, like Fitbit and Jawbone are the latest fitness trend to gain widespread popularity. But some believe they could be used to treat addiction as well. New research suggests the devices can be used to reliably detect relapses, which could then give treatment providers the information they need to prevent relapses in the future. “There’s a lot of information that can be gained from when somebody relapses,” says Dr. Stephanie Carreiro, a researcher from the University of Massachusetts.

ACCOUNTABILITY MATTERS That accountability to someone who could see the relapse is an important step in moving past simple self-reporting and drug testing. People can lie during self-reports and drug testing will only show that drugs were used, but not information like how much was used, when it was used, and where. Because the sensors can be easily removed, the system will only work for patients who are truly motivat- ed to stay sober. Dr. Carreiro says rather than a big brother scenario with treatment providers tracking a patient’s movements, the devices simply connect a patient to their support network. “We could potentially trigger an interaction with a patient just seeing if they’re okay and need some help,” Dr. Carreiro says.

“It definitely served as a reminder that there was something motivating them to stay sober.”

- Dr. Stephanie Carreiro

SIMPLE REMINDER In a study of 15 patients, nearly everyone kept wearing the devices even when relapsing. Dr. Car- reiro says that’s because many people are already used to wearing fitness trackers, and the treatment plan simply fits into the daily routines they’ve al- ready established. Researchers also say just having a physical object on a patient’s wrist to remind them about their dedication to sobriety can be enough to prevent a relapse. “Multiple people looked at it and thought of going back to jail or being there for their children,” Dr. Carreiro says. “It definitely served as a reminder that there was something motivating them to stay sober.”

WHAT ABOUT PREVENTION? The ultimate goal is to prevent relapses and keep patients on the path to sobriety. While the tech- nology is advancing quickly, researchers say the collective knowledge base simply isn’t there yet to predict a relapse event. But as they conduct more studies and develop better algorithms with the information gained, they should be able to tailor interventions to a specific patient and hopefully keep them from relapsing. “We need to continue to define different pro- files so that we can get a more complete under- standing of what’s happening,” Dr. Carreiro says. “That’s when it will be the most powerful.”

McIntyre Center

CONTACT US: 6929 W. 130th Street Parma Heights, OH 44130 440.817.1100

Integrated treatment works best for victims of sexual abuse who are also addicts. Researchers have found a dramatic link between the

“ 1 out of every

INSERT 4 occurrence of sexual abuse and substance abuse. According to, “sexual abuse victims are three times more likely to suffer depression, six times more likely to suffer PTSD, 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol and 26 times more likely to abuse drugs than those who have not been sexually abused.” They go on to say that one out of every six women and one in 33 men in America have been the victim of sexual assault or rape in their lifetime.

6 women and one in 33 men in America have been the victim of sexual assault or rape in their lifetime. ”

Integrated treatment

Treatment centers are beginning to recognize the need for integrated treatment techniques for victims undergoing substance abuse recovery. Since there’s such a high prevalence of sexual abuse among addicts, integrated treatment offers a fuller recovery for sexual abuse victims. Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is one common form of treatment. In CBT, individuals are offered psychoeducation, therapy instructing and empowering them to deal with their condition in an optimal way. Stress management tools are also helpful. Individuals can be taught to change their situations or their reactions and how to maintain appropriate personal boundaries. The regulation of emotions can be a challenge for a person who has been sexually abused. In CBT, clients learn what emotions are socially tolerable and they learn how to be flexible enough to permit some spontaneity. Survivors are also taught how to delay emotional reactions as necessary. 30

Individuals can be taught to change their situations or their reactions, and how to take good care of themselves.

 Integrated treatment for those suffering from substance abuse addiction and sexual abuse greatly increases the chance that this person will remain sober for the long haul.They can also experience greater joy and healing than if they were treated for substance abuse alone. Telling their story One effective aspect of CBT is for the person to do a “trauma narrative.” In addition to telling their story by the spoken word or writing it down, they can also use drawing, painting or other art forms to communicate the trauma.The narrative can then be shared with a safe person, like a trained therapist or substance abuse counselor.The hope is that the survivor will be able to let go of some of the trauma. Healing can then take place. Another facet of CBT is behavior management training. Clients are encouraged to stay calm in an emotionally charged situation, manage their own responses, learn what limits are appropriate, handle challenging questions and learn how to prevent physical confrontations with others. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), survivors are also encouraged to do what they can to heal themselves. Good sleep and nutrition, exercise, and regular routines like starting and ending the day in a peaceful way are a good place to start for people from this background. Those in recovery are also urged to write down leisure activities they find enjoyable and engage in those activities regularly. Clients are also encouraged to use journaling and inspirational reading to further grow in their recovery. Finally, having a supportive group of friends and family will help an individual recover emotionally from this kind of trauma.



McIntyre Center

CONTACT US: 6929 W. 130th Street Parma Heights, OH 44130 440.817.1100



Treating addiction with vaccines is a relatively new idea with many unanswered questions

that arise out of a lack of research. But a new study suggests vaccinating against illicit drugs is not only possible, it could be extremely effective. At the Scripps Research Institute in California, researchers were looking for a way to guard against the lethal and addictive effects of synthetic opioid “designer drugs.” A potentially deadly opioid, fentanyl, is often used as a heroin substitute or mix-in by drug dealers, so researchers developed a vaccine to try to mitigate its effects. Researchers injected mice with three rounds of the vaccine and then exposed them to doses of fentanyl. They found the vaccinated mice did not display any “high” behaviors even months after the last series of vaccine injections. Researchers say the immune systems of the mice developed antibodies that successfully blocked the drug from reaching the brain. “The results were the best we’ve ever seen for any drug vaccine,” says Paul Bremer, a graduate student at Scripps Research Institute who worked on the study.



The results were the best we’ve ever seen for any drug vaccine. - Paul Bremer, Scripps Research Institute



SAFE AND POWERFUL Not only was the vaccine able to stop intoxication (something researchers suggest could aid in opioid addiction treatment), the vaccine also proved extremely effective in blocking the potentially lethal effects of fentanyl as well. While the chemical is not necessarily toxic in itself, it does produce psychoactive effects that can shut down breathing and stop a person’s heart. Researchers say mice injected with the vaccine could withstand doses of fentanyl up to 30 times the normal rate. “It was just a rst generation vaccine, but it did prove to be very potent,” Bremer says. “We were able to block extremely large doses of fentanyl to protect against overdoses.” A SINGLE PURPOSE Researchers say the vaccine would not protect against heroin or oxycodone, and a mixture of vaccines would be needed to protect against all opioids. But that was somewhat by design. To make sure the vaccine would not interfere with any medications a person may take responsibly later in life, researchers targeted speci c molecules so the vaccine would only block fentanyl and its derivatives.


“For unrelated drugs that you would be taking, there would be no effect from the vaccine,” Bremer says. LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE Although still in the early stages of development, researchers say the vaccine represents an exciting step forward in drug vaccine research. The lab is beginning more advanced trials on a similar heroin vaccine which should give them a better idea of how successful the fentanyl vaccine could become. But until more testing can be completed, researchers say they were pleased with the progress and excited for the future of vaccines in the treatment of addiction. “This concept of using a vaccine for addiction isn’t just an academic pursuit, it could really be used in practice,” Bremer says. “I think it’s really promising.”

safe and powerful


McIntyre Center

CONTACT US: 6929 W. 130th Street Parma Heights, OH 44130 440.817.1100

CONTACT US: 6929 W. 130th Street Parma Heights, OH 44130 440.817.1100

McIntyre Center

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