
The Massage Tracker e Massage Tracker, Idea provided by Med Sports Vantage, PLLC. Reality made feasible by Lethorn CADesign LLC. e Massage Tracker is a patented and trademarked. muscle massage / manipulation device that utilizes a tennis ball and the ergonomically designed edges to do all the work. • Ergonomically designed to reduce stress in wrist and hand while still providing feedback from troubled areas. • Light Weight (0.15Lbs) and portable • High-Impact, engineered polymer plastic • Easy to hold and guide the tennis ball to trouble areas with maximum comfort (less pain when the tennis ball rolls over bone). • Multi-functional: Soft Massage (Tennis Ball), FirmMassge (Tracker Dome),Trigger point (Tracker Projections) and Hard edge rounded blade (Tracker large Radius) The Massage Tracker is amuscle massage multi-tool that utilizes a hand held tracking device toguide a tennis ball right to the root of yourmuscle pain for easy elimination. If you have questions orwould like more information please Call or Email • 810.626.3036 or

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