
one of the most important tools to engage clients in the treatment process – which is a collaborative, creative and client driven process.” “ e focus needs to be on their view of their stated problems, and not mine. We ask them to tell us in their own words what their goals are. en, when they see that on paper in the treatment plan, it helps them commit to the process, and gives them something to look forward to.” Every client is unique, but treatment centers like MWFHE use standardized, evidence-based approaches to meeting each individual’s needs, Kirby says. “To move forward, we have to establish a therapeutic relationship with the PIR (people in recovery), employ active listening skills, and show genuineness and empathy. at helps them to open up, along with asking open-ended questions so that they can elaborate more on their concerns and issues. As a clinician, I need to let them know I'm here to help them, which may help to lower their defenses.” Evidence-based care

“Because I'm also a recovering addict and alcoholic, I can credibly relate to some of the things they have been through. I let them know, I'm in recovery, but treatment is not about me, it's about getting them to open up and share their thoughts and feelings.” “Because addiction is a family disease, MWFHE also has a family program to educate clients' loved ones about addiction, and the concept of co-dependency. Family members are encouraged to participate in Al-Anon.” Aftercare is an essential part of the treatment process. “We know that recovery is an ongoing process and it does not stop when treatment ends. So, as part of our continuum of services, we have aftercare groups once a week and also encourage them to call if they need us.” Looking to the future of Men and Women for Human Excellence, Kirby visualizes adding more space, more clients, more clinicians, and more apartments. “We want to keep growing, because there are always more people in need.

-Ruby Kirby “We know that recovery is an ongoing process, and does not stop when treatment ends.” 12

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