
Passing it on back on solid Ground

A s resident manager at one of Men and Women For Human Excellence's residences for addiction treatment clients, Adrian Sims helps other addicts find their way to sustained recovery. Sims is also a graduate of the program, who came to treatment in June of 2015. Growing up in Athens, Ga. Sims had started smoking marijuana as a teenager, before leaving high school in He was able to maintain steady employment as a custodian, then in a Kansas packing plant, but by 2001 his habit made it impossible to keep a job. He still had a place to live, though. “I could always go home; my parents never turned me away,” he recalls. Over the years, Sims made a number of unsuccessful attempts to quit using drugs, on his own. “But that would only last a month or two.” the 11th grade. He eventually progressed to sniffing, and then smoking cocaine.

-Adrian Sims resident manager, Men and Women For Human Excellence


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