MyHomeInc Resource Guide

Over the last quarter-century, My Home Inc. has greatly bene # ted the seven-county metro area and its contributions haven’t gone unrecognized. For example, for the # rst 13 years of its existence, My Home Inc. had the biggest contract with the Minnesota Department of Corrections to help employ, motivate, and assist former inmates. Moreover, placed My Home Inc. on its list of Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab and Treatment Centers in Minneapolis for 2020. Jackson mentioned how the facility continues to grow thanks to client and word-of-mouth referrals. “We receive client referrals from the Ramsey County Correctional Facility houses

Home Inc. for opioid use disorder, as the epidemic of opioid overdoses continues the strike the black community at a higher percentage than the statistics would indicate.” Although he’s witnessed positive changes throughout the area over the years, Jackson still sees ample room for improvement. In particular, he’d like to see police reform and systemic change. “ ! e positives I have seen over the past few years would include the commitment of the federal, state, and local governments to begin to increase the support for culturally competent treatment for the communities of color in Minnesota and, especially, Ramsey County,” Jackson

and the families of former clients, church groups, and the network of chemical health providers across the seven-county metro area,” Jackson said. “Word of-mouth referrals, as I mentioned earlier, are a substantial percentage of our census at any given time and we recently have started a collaboration with the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Public Health, which sends referrals from the population of the adult correctional

said. “ ! e frustration with the status quo is that law

enforcement’s unequal dispensation of ‘ justice’ continues to challenge a person’s optimism of what can be done to stop the state-sponsored violence against black bodies.” Following years of struggles in Beantown and our nation’s capital, it is evident that Kyle Jackson has found a home in both

facility and the Ramsey County Correctional Facility to My

Minnesota and at My Home Inc.

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