Thug and Drug-Free NCADD program manager takes on many roles
“We are instilling a culture of resistance to illegal drugs.” -- Gerald Wade programmanager, NCADD
When Gerald Wade signed up to lead a youth empowerment and drug prevention program at NCADD, he didn’t think he would end up producing a radio show. But in his tireless pursuit to help keep kids safe and lead better lives, Wade will do just about whatever it takes. As a program manager, Wade’s primary responsibility is to oversee the S.T.E.P.S. program, otherwise known as Strong Teens Excelling in Prevention Services.The program encourages teens to refrain from drug and alcohol use by giving them the tools they need to excel academically and stay drug-free. But in an effort to reach more young people, Wade, better known as the Prevention Man, helped establish a radio broadcast that airs weekly on WMKM 1440.The Official Pushback Show airs every Tuesday night from 7:00 to 8:00 (EST) featuring S.T.E.P.S. dedicated staff and teen co- hosts discussing topics that affect young people every day. Wade says the idea is to give teens as much information as possible, so they can make positive decisions in their lives. “Our program mantra is ‘Happy to be Thug and Drug-Free,’” Wade says. “We recognize that if students are more in tune with a positive self-concept and clear value system, they’re less likely to engage in high-risk behaviors.”
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