NPORTC Magazine
A Place To Lay Their Head CEO Nnenna Ezeh
Keeping Clients
The First Friendly Face for a Fresh Start
T able of C ontents
06- A Place to Lay Their Head-Nnenna Ezeh, CEO
10- A Driver You Can Count On
14- Keeping Clients Connected
28- Accomplishing Goals: One Step at a Time
Helping Neighbors Get Back on Their Feet
Overseeing all Their Needs
Tuerk House Bringing People in from the Cold
Free & Moving Forward
32- Searching for a Home, Finding a Family
34- Traveling Man Settles Down
218 E. Lexington St Baltimore, MD 21202
ABOUT US New Place of Recovery Treatment Center LLC is a CARF-accredited company providing Community-Based Behavioral Health services serving the state of Maryland. NPORTC offers outpatient substance use treatment for adult men and women are still struggling with the disease of addiction. Services we provide are PHP, IOP, OP, DUI, Housing, Transportation, Mental Health/PRP referrals, Group/Individual Counseling, Job Readiness/Employment referrals, Social services assistance. e.t.c. Mission Statement New Place of Recovery Treatment Center strives to assist its individuals to research their full potential. We also promote teamwork and socialization through various events and group activities. We believe that by helping and supporting our individuals spiritually, physically, and mentally it will give them the advantage to re-enter his or her community with a fresher outlook on life. 24-Hour Intake Line 443.379.6743 SUITES 301- Intake 303- Ms. Nnenna Ezeh’s Office 505- Mental Health Group
38- 1st Client Shares His Story
40- Seeing a Good Man in the Mirror
44- Helping People Stay Clean
46- Mr. Ronnie- Been There, Done That, Giving Back
50- The First Friendly Face For a Fresh Start
A Place To Lay
Their Head
N nenna Ezeh started New Place of Recovery Treatment Center to offer housing and support for those recovering from addiction. She’s highly educated in addiction, but it wasn’t always so. Back home in her native country of Nigeria, Nnenna didn’t understand what it meant to be addicted
to drugs or alcohol. “It was just accepted. Everybody was doing it. I lost a lot of relatives and family members to drug and alcohol abuse.” It wasn't until she moved to the United States in 2007 that her eyes were opened to the idea of treatment. She got her bachelor’s degree in social work and became a case manager in a drug rehab program. And then she saw for herself what relapse was. She helped clients get
master’s in social work, she changed her master’s to addiction. During her internship, as she sat in group therapy, she heard their stories and wanted to help. Nnenna became an CSC-AD (Supervised Cert. Alcohol & Drug Counselor) with her Master in addiction Counseling, She is working towards getting her Ph.D. in health psychology, so she could clearly understand the disease. The day she finished her internship, she was offered a position there as an addiction counselor. Over ten years, she worked for different agencies and became a consultant, helping people to open up treatment programs and maintain COMAR regulations. She felt that care was lacking in certain centers and decided to open up a place of her own. She chose the name “New Place” because she wanted people to know there was a new place where clients would get treated with love and care.
housing and employment, only to see them return months later in the same predicament. Nnenna was worried she’d done something wrong
and asked her supervisor about it, who responded, “It’s their addiction.” At first, she didn’t understand. And then she realized it was the same pattern she’d seen back home. It came to her “like a trauma and a flashback.” Though she had planned on getting her
Nnenna Ezeh one of most
important long-term career goals as an addiction counselor is to implement long-lasting social change and help individuals who are strugglingwithdrugaddiction and alcohol dependency. Nnenna Ezeh plans to
CEO Nnenna Ezeh
work with children, teens, and adults suffering from drug abuse problems and other addictions, such as gambling. Also, she plans to work together with the client, identify the addiction, point out the associated behaviors and implement a plan for recovery.
CALL HOME.” -Nnenna Ezeh
A Place To Lay
Their Head
To make her dream come to life, her family stepped in
to help—her father, brother, and husband.
They got their license—and their first client—in February of this year. Starting with one house, there are now two houses and a van. This January, they open their third house. “My philosophy is: In order for people to recover, they need a place to put their head. In order for people to recover, they need a place to call home.” She has strict rules. Everyone keeps their appointments, and nobody gets high. “We have a house meeting every Friday to make sure that everybody has a good understanding of the program.” Offering services from PHP to IOP to OP, New Place is with its clients every step of the way. “We do a graduation ceremony for being clean for 28 days—they love it.” Starting in January, after completing OP, clients can move to what Nnenna has named “Responsible House”—independent living in their third house. “Anybody in independent living should be working by then or have their SSI” because they will pay a modest rent. After all she’s seen, Nnenna knows the importance of not rushing recovery. “A lot of programs are only three months. Because of the housing component, we can have them here for six months to a year.” Nnenna hears quite often, “When I graduate from your program, I want to work for you.” And she is proud of her clients. “They're doing good. They're doing great.” CEO Nnenna Ezeh 8
CALL: 410.775.8965 9
A t New Place of Recovery Treatment Center, Anthony Udeh is responsible for getting clients where they need to be, from their homes to the treatment center, doctor’s offices, or wherever else they need to go, and then back again. He’s been here since the beginning—he is Nnenna’s brother. “With a new business, you need all the help and support you can get from your friends and family. My brother-in-law also works here, and my father, we have the whole family working. We assist in any way we can.” So, what gave Nnenna the idea to start a treatment center? Anthony explains that she was working for another company as a counselor. Anthony saw how hard she was working and said, “You are putting so much time and effort into building somebody else’s business; why don't y o u
think about registering your own business?” He adds, “That’s what I did. I used to work with a transportation company before, and then I chose to start up my own business.” His company is Wumac Transportation Service, and he started in 2013. As with many other businesses, COVID was a significant setback, but here he is today, not only running Wumac but helping at New Place of Recovery. “I decided to CONTINUE READING > > >
Anthony Udeh, Director of Transportation
get into a field that I love and can grow.” As a driver, he enjoys chatting with the clients if they feel like talking. “The impression we create the first time gives the customer a sense of security, and when you see me every day coming to pick you up,
them up every day, Monday to Friday.” He says that though the clients only stay temporarily, he and his staff are there to offer a family during their stay. “I have other drivers who work for me, and I’ll assign one driver to be picking up a certain number of clients every day, to create a safe environment… the same driver that picked you up yesterday is coming to pick you up today and is going to be coming tomorrow. He already knows you, your routine, and you already know him, so that’s what we give to our clients—consistency.” The house manager is his primary contact to ensure everything runs smoothly. He calls before the ride arrives, and clients are picked up in a van So how does he juggle his own business and volunteer at New Place of Recovery? “I love helping people, at the same time having fun, at the same time making money, so it’s a win-win situation.” at one of the two residential houses.
after a while, you know you don't have to be afraid of anything.” And he gets to see—
and hear about—their recovery. “When they get in the vehicle, it's probably about 10 to 15 minutes before we get to where we're going, so most of the time, we get to know how they are progressing.” He even notices a change as they rise through the program—how their conversations become more engaging. He adds that, of course, for those who prefer not to chat, he honors that too. “They are all really nice people.” Anthony believes in the importance of consistency and a familiar face. “We pick
CALL: 410.775.8965
218 E. Lexington St, Suite 505, Baltimore, MD 21202
SERVICES WE OFFER: • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) • Outpatient Program (OP) • Medication Assisted Treatment • Transitional Housing Program • Relapse Prevention
• Mental Health Therapy • Individual Counseling • Group Counseling • Case Management • Job Readiness • Social Services Assistance • D.U.I. Services • Residential • Community Housing
Keeping Clients
A llen Ezeh is the CCO as well as the IT specialist for New Place of Recovery. With a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a master's degree in cyber security, he is in charge of everything IT. He also happens to be Nnenna’s husband! He already has a great job as a cyber security analyst, so he helps Nnenna out as a contractor two days a week. He is especially vigilant when it comes to security and virus prevention, as well as IT compliance. He has another task as well—he shares his knowledge. “Where they live, their houses, and at the office, I do social engineering.” This means he teaches the staff safe computer protocol, like not clicking unfamiliar links, and helps the house managers with computer programs like Telehealth when required by a case manager or doctor. And for the house managers, there are laptops in their houses in case they need anything. “Maybe a social worker or an addiction counselor needs to talk to a client on Zoom. I lecture the house managers how to operate it.” Security is paramount. “I make sure that everything is good in terms of protecting data. Confidentiality is the main key to cyber security. We have what we call CIA:
“CIA: confidentiality , integrity , and availability .”
confidentiality, integrity, and availability, so I make sure that everything is IT compliant. And I run vulnerability scanning every time they have a vulnerability on the Internet or their system.” With his Cisco Networking and Security Plus certificates, Allen has confidence that New Place of Recovery’s network is safe and sound. Because of his working relationship with the house managers, Allen sometimes has the opportunity to talk to the clients who live there and to be a mentor. For one young man in particular, who professed an interest in IT, Allen told him that after he completes the program and gets back on his feet, Allen will help him get his IT certificate. “He was so eager, and he loved what I told him.” But the client worried that it would be a very difficult task. “I told him, ‘It's just self-discipline.’” Allen reminded him that once he finished the program at New Place of Recovery and got himself situated, he could do it, saying, “You're going to get a job if you go through training in IT, like A plus, and Security Plus [certificates.] I told him, ‘believe me, if I see you training toward it, you're going to get a job!’ He was so happy, and I was very happy to be able to help a client like that.” In a world where computer know-how is essential and computer techs are in high demand, Allen has hopes for next year with New Place of Recovery Treatment Center to try his hand at teaching clients. “By next year, I'm trying to organize a class where I can train a lot of clients in IT.” Allen explains, “You don’t have to have a degree; you can get certifications like
A Plus and Security Plus.” He adds, “If they go through it, they're going to get a job.” Paying it forward is a beautiful thing.
Helping N eighbors Get Back on T heir Feet
“We are in this to help people who cannot do for themselves.” -Simon Nwaigwe and For more information, please visit:
s conza Incorporated is a non-profit organization doing business with Adonai Alpha Healthcare Solutions, whose purpose is to help those in need of assistance, offering not only psychiatric care and therapy but also resources for everything from healthcare to housing, food, clothing, and transportation. Simon Nwaigwe, the owner, states, “We are here in the community to help those in need of assistance and to reintegrate them into the community.” Before Sconza Incorporated, Simon taught business for 25 years but was always involved with helping people. “I did a lot of work for the church, going door to door for a coat drive for people in the wintertime to make sure people were not cold.” He also helped raise money to pay gas and electric bills for those who couldn’t afford heating. “That was my pet project, so in 2018 I decided to look further into this—how could I make an impact outside the church?” With the blessing of his wife Francisca, they decided to go ahead with their plans for Sconza. “Francisca helps a lot and has served as a nurse practitioner. She supports the idea, and we have been doing this together. As we cross into 2023, we want to make sure that we
are counting our blessings for the people we have reached, counting our blessings for the people who have a place to live, and for those who are reintegrated into the community simply because we were there for them. That's how we started.” Sconza Incorporated has a medical director, Dr. Ozioma Nwaigwe, who happens to be Simon’s daughter. “She is a psychiatrist—a medical doctor specializing in adolescent and adult treatment.” She is also in charge of making sure clients receive the proper psychotherapy. Simon shares, “We also have another psychiatrist, Dr. Patience Ekeocha. She is a DNP with a master’s degree in mental health. Dr. Ekeocha is currently the assistant medical director at Morgan State University and the medical director for Adonai healthcare solutions.” And still more staff and services. “We have other substance abuse people, CSAC certified, and an outpatient mental health clinic, intensive outpatient, and a psychiatric rehab program.” With contractual nurses and LPNs, “…we help in what we call the RSA, which is Residential ServiceAgency,”wherenurses, nurse’sassistants, and LPNsmake house calls and help those in need run errands. Another service Sconza provides is transportation for clients needing rides. How about outreach? “We do the outreach ourselves and the marketing ourselves.” On top of that, Sconza helps with housing. “We provide transitional homes for those who are homeless. We help the less privileged so that they can be good citizens to the community and to this city.” Sconza has one large house with nine beds, where people are transitionally housed until they can get back on their feet. For overflow, Sconza refers clients to housing programs such as New Place of Recovery Treatment Center and Tuerk Treatment Center. Simon adds, “We are in this to help people who cannot do for themselves. Money is not the issue; it is not the reason. It helps us to run the business, but that is not our main goal. Our main focus is to help humankind, to be good citizens, and to do things the right way.”
Simon Nwaigwe: Owner of Sconza Francisca Nwaigwe: Nurse Practioner
We are here to help.
OP New Place of Recovery Treatment
Center offers Outpatient Program (OP) services for drug addictions and alcohol dependency. The program is for adult men and women who requires Outpatient level of treatment (Level 1) and medical interventions to maintain sobriety.
Visit Online: NPORTC.ORG Call: 410.775.8965 Located At: 218 E. Lexington St, Suite 505 Baltimore, MD 21202 19
OVERSEEING ALL THEIR NEEDS F or his magazine interview, James James Nnaka: Outpatient Program Coordinator
As of today, there are ten clients residing in the two New Place of Recovery houses. “We have people coming from the community to join in the treatment as well.” James coordinates
Nnaka answered the phone—in Nigeria—lending new meaning to the word “outreach.” James is the outpatient program coordinator for New Place of Recovery Treatment Center. And how did he hear about New Place? “My wife is Nnenna’s aunt!” Originally from Nigeria, he saw the terrible toll addiction took on Nigerians, as it is all over the world. He was saddened that Nigeria had little to no treatment organizations, no recovery options, and no help for those struggling with substance abuse. When James came to the USA, he was very impressed by the treatment centers in general in our country. He was so impressed, in fact, that he decided to further his education to include drug addiction. He wanted to help ensure that people got the help they needed. He wanted to be a part of their recovery. He explains his duties at New Place of Recovery: “One of my responsibilities is to oversee the care of clients who receive treatment in our program. I amalso involved in coordinating services and resources, for instance, medical providers.” James sets clients up with housing and social services. “Most clients come to the program here without food stamps. We set them up with all that.”
“The system is set up really well here. Back home in Nigeria, the system makes it more difficult for you to help your fellow citizens with treatment.”
with the transportation staff to make sure clients are picked up both from the community and the two houses to get clients where they need to be. James also makes sure the residences are secure—and monitors the houses to make sure everyone is staying drug-free. Regarding sobriety, he also helps with the urinalysis along with “Mr. Ronnie.” He works on a one
And he is very busy. “I have other treatment centers I am taking care of.” Not only that, but he is also exploring the idea of setting up treatment centers in Nigeria. “I think a program here in Nigeria would be useful here in my country.” He
explains that though “drug treatment is normal here in the USA,” in Nigeria, there is little or no help. Impressed with what the USA offers, James says, “The system is set up really well here. Back home in Nigeria, the system makes it more difficult for you to help your fellow citizens with treatment. In Nigeria, they don’t even have it. I wish Nigeria had anything close to what they have in the USA. That would be a great change. I appreciate the States; it’s an ideal world.”
on-one basis to solve issues and address mental illness or addiction and connects clients to the people and resources for their specialized needs. “We discuss their progress and treatment plans as needed.” If a client needs medication from the pharmacy, James checks to make sure they receive it and that they are staying on it. He talks to them when they first come in
to make sure their insurance is effective and up to date, as “Some clients come in here without ID—with nothing.” When clients are ready to look for a job, James can register them for job training with the office of Our Daily Bread for employment opportunities.
Bringing People In
from the Cold
T uerk House has been around for 53 years, serving the community with urgent care and a mental health center for those struggling with addiction. Tuerk House is co-ed, with 40 females on one floor, 40 males on another, and 30 people in the crisis center. Vincent Timmons found himself in trouble and went to Tuerk House for help. “I was in crime until I found my way. They never closed the door; they let me in.” He was so impressed that he began spreading the word, telling the underprivileged, “‘We have a crisis unit that takes people in 24/7— even with no insurance or ID; we don't turn anyone away.’ I volunteered, went out, got people in, and talked about our wonderful program at Tuerk house. I made flyers, tee shirts, everything.” Nineteen months ago, Vincent became an official staff member. But he doesn’t call it work. “You’re helping people. You're getting people in programs; you’re getting them clean; you're getting them their ID; you're getting them physicals. Tuerk House can provide everything from counseling to DUI classes—anything a person needs.” Working in crisis and outreach, Vincent is out in the community with his team. “Late at night in the cold rain, you'll find Mr. Vincent out there. Me, Tony, and Yaw, we go out and find people and talk to people.” He adds, “When they first come in, we offer showers and wash their clothes—some people haven’t had their clothes washed in years. And we feed them—we’ve got the best cooks. “We have inpatient beds for 28 days to six months, depending on your case. We don't turn no one down.” After detox, if a client needs transitional housing, Tuerk House provides that and communicates with other treatment centers in the area, such as New Place of Recovery Treatment Center. If Tuerk House is full, they contact New Place, and vice-versa. And he sees the change. “When they come in, it’s like planting a seed, and then they grow into a rose. People are so beautiful once they get themselves together after thirty days to sixmonths. It’s like a new person. An addict’s got two lives: one, where they're going to run in the streets and don't know themselves because of the disease— the other, when they wake up, there's a brand-new life. A recovering addict can go anywhere. If you put
them in a job, the only place to go is to the top because they’ve already been to the bottom. “I love Tuerk House; they treat me like family. Mr. Bernard and Ms. Diaz treat you like family. They’re the ones who gave me this opportunity. You can go to HR, Ms. Wright, and go to Yaw, you can go to anybody on that team, and they would bend over backward to help you. “Chris and Yaw, and Tony, we brainstorm to come up with different ideas. And every November, we do a coat drive. One time we gave a lady a brand-new coat, and she started crying; nobody had given her anything for a long time. Mr. Edwards, the counselor, told me one of the clients needed a pair of tennis shoes. I bought him a pair out of my own pocket.” Vincent also feeds the community on Saturdays. He adds, “We treat everyone like family. As soon as you come in the door, you see a nurse practitioner, a counselor, and a peer. We’ve got the best staff in the world.”
Vincent Timmons: Outreach Specialist
Visit Online: NPORTC.ORG Call: 410.775.8965 Located At: 218 E. Lexington St, Suite 505 Baltimore, MD 21202
MAT MEDICATION-ASSISTED TREATMENT New Place of Recovery Treatment Center offers Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services for drug addictions and alcohol dependency. Our Medication-Assisted treatment program treats withdrawal and suppresses cravings for those recovery from alcohol and opioid addiction. The program is for adult men and women who requires medication-assisted treatment due to drug and alcohol addictions.
FREE &MOVING Nathaniel Oliver > >
N athaniel Oliver has been a client at New Place of Recovery Treatment Center for about four months and is doing so well that he was asked to be House Manager. One of the privileges is that he gets a room to himself, overseeing a house with five residents. He gets along great with his housemates. “Everybody gets along; everybody does chores or pitches in and helps clean up. We do group meetings every day.” All that is changing for him, in a good way. “I'm OP now, so my next step is independent living.” He explains, “You'll basically have your own room with your own key and join the house meetings once a month.” And his new OP status was celebrated. “We had a big party this month.” When asked if he has a favorite staff member, Nathaniel quickly shares, “All are my favorites for me, for real. Mr. Ronnie, Michelle, Nnenna… all of them are helping in
-Nathaniel Oliver
our progress and recovery.” He shares his story from addiction to recovery. “I was 11 or 12, and started with weed, then graduated to snorting coke. By 25, I was snorting heroin, doing burglaries, stealing, robbing—anything that would support my drug habit.” Locked up in 1999, he still had plenty of access to drugs. “In 2015, they started bringing fentanyl into the jail. Brothers started putting it into the heroin, cutting the dope with fentanyl. And I've seen in two weeks’ time; eight people died down in JCI.” From the last bag he had, Nathaniel passed out. “I went into a nod at 12:30 and didn’t wake up until 7 or 8 o'clock at night, and it scared the living crap out of me, and I ain't been high since. I haven’t had urges to get high like the average person. And I ain't had no type of drugs or
FORWARD FORWA > > House Manager weed or drink, and never smoke cigarettes, because of 2015.”
When he was first released in January, he was in another program, “and then I met Mr. Ronnie. I was getting something to eat at Daily Bread, and he was passing out flyers to this program. Mr. Ronnie asked me to stop by his office. I came down the next day, my insurance went through, and I'm sitting here today.” Nathaniel has had help getting government assistance as well. “I applied for SSI disability, and I get social services like food stamps.” Nathaniel is grateful for his therapist, who is helping
him. He shared his history of being beaten and abused. “I was only supposed to see this therapist for 6 to 12 weeks, but once I started telling my story, she’s leaving me on for a long time.” He’s come a long way, from just out of jail ten months ago to becoming house manager. “At first, I thought I wasn't ready for the responsibility, but since working with my therapist, my attitude has come a long way, and my temper’s come a long way; I’ve got control of it now.” Being at New Place of Recovery
has really helped Nathaniel move forward. “It’s wonderful; it’s a good program. From the first day I got here to now, I think on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d put myself at probably 8 or 9 because I can say I'm still working to be better.”
R odger has MRSA in his left leg. He’s had two operations, where he was put on oxycodone. In his words, “I got carried away with the medication, and I got addicted real fast.” He was on the opiate for three years. His daughter—his only child—was concerned. “She's always in my corner. It was a decision I wanted to make with her.” She took him to a doctor. And he decided he wanted to get off the oxycodone. The doctor put him in a hospital for detox for two months. “The detox was terrible because I had
He learns a lot about the dangers of addiction in all its forms,
and he shares his wisdom. “I try to speak out a lot because there are a lot of things that I don't know. From being in Ms. Nnenna’s group, I’ve learned about fentanyl, about people shooting with needles, and about heroin. That wasn't my thing, but it was interesting—I was learning a lot about all this.” And he understands the commonality of substance abuse. “We all have the disease of addiction. I tell everybody, ‘It’s a big world out here, and you got to stay strong. As long as you have the disease, you need to stay away from places, people, and things.’ They say, ‘You’re sure right, Mr. Rodger’—they call me Mr. Rodger because I’m older.” He adds with gratitude, “I got my daughter, my grandkids, my dad—I got my whole family behind me, and that makes me feel good. And they support me in everything I'm doing. I'll talk to my dad. My dad’s 94 years old, and he says, ‘Son, there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who are running free and those who are running scared. How you running?’ But what he said is true. I want to run free; I don't want to run scared. I want to live a normal, sober life, and that's running free. And Ms. Nnenna is helping me a great deal here.” Rodger states his goal for the future: “The top of my list is to get my GED. I'm doing one step at a time, but that right there is at the top of my list.”
sweats and stomach aches, but I pulled through. It was the best course—it was the best thing for me because I had a heart murmur and seizures.” From the hospital, he went to Westminster Rehab. However, he was hospitalized again with hernia surgery— and pneumonia. He recovered and went back to Westminster but got an infection and had to go back yet again to the hospital. Rodger is allergic tomorphine,
and the doctors wanted to put him back on oxycodone. He explained his past addiction, but they were worried about his blood pressure. He was put back on oxycodone. But this time, because of his medical problems, Westminster Rehab wouldn’t take him back. “So, somebody reached out to me about Ms. Nnenna. They told her all about me, and she took me in. I appreciate that because nobody else would take me in. She’s a great lady. I love it here.” He dove into the group meetings and, after twenty-eight days, received his certificate. “I've never missed Ms. Nnenna’s groups, and the people are wonderful.”
There is a way back.
CALL: (410) 775-8965 VISIT
PHP NewPlace of Recovery Treatment Center offers Partial Hospitalization Program
(PHP) services for drug addictions and alcohol dependency. The program is for adult men and women who requires more intensive level of treatment (Level 2.5) and medical interventions after a life-threatening relapse.
D onald Cline is a resident at New Place of Recovery Treatment Center. “I've been here a little over a month. I like it—I really do.” Donald wants a place of his own, and this is the first step. “My voucher came in now for housing, but this program also helps you find a place afterward.” He shares a story that is a hauntingly familiar theme these days about an insipid, tragically dangerous drug. He was already addicted to heroin, but then “I did just a little bit of fentanyl. . . and my heart stopped three times. The only thing I remember is the paramedics around me. They kept calling my name, and I woke up. I said, ‘Well, what's this blood all over my hand?’” It turns out Donald had been trying to pull out the IV. “Ever since then, I haven't touched it.” The dangers of this substance are unprecedented. “It’s awful about this terrible fentanyl. I’ve lost six of my friends in the last six or sevenmonths. I’d say, ‘What happened to this person? What happened to that person?’” A female friend of Donald’s was awitness to Donald’s near-death experience. “And then they found her dead not three months ago in the bathroom. I thank God every day that I did not go that way.” Though Donald swore off the heroin and fentanyl, another addiction crept in. In December 2021, Donald had a bad fall and snapped his wrist. Three surgeries later and
a bone infection, “I started feeling myself getting hooked on the oxycodone the doctor was giving me.” To get off the oxycodone, Donald was put on a treatment plan, including methadone. Aware that eventually, he needs to get off the methadone as well, he laughs with a positive attitude, “I know, it’s one thing after another.” But he’s on a clear path to recovery now.
with certain things, like zipping my jacket. He helps me with that, and he never says no. It doesn't seem like I'm bothering him; he doesn’t mind doing it.” Donald has suffered extreme loss, losing a father and two brothers. And then his mother: “I loved my mom to death, and I took care of her for two years with cancer, and then that was the end of my family.” And yet, he has found a new family here at New Place of Recovery… “That's really what
“For twenty-eight days clean,
they gave me a little plaque, like a certificate. Believe it or not—I'm
almost 60 years old—I’m 59—and that plaque meant a lot to me because it’s something I accomplished in my life that I hadn’t done before. I'm so proud of it; I’ve got it hanging up in my room by my bed. I guess it just gave me a reason to live—it's really helped me.” Regarding his hand
they have been to me. I can talk to anyone in the house, really anyone in the program. You feel like you're not alone anymore.”
injury, he has high praise for the house manager, Nathanial. “I call him Nate,” and they are friends. “With my hand the way it is, I have a lot of problems
Donald Cline: Current Client
oger Wilkins is one of those rolling stones, traveling from place to place. At seventy, he thought it might be
a dark path. Through all the turmoil, my son was born.” He took off when he got into some trouble. “I kept running and kept moving, moving, moving.” But then, he found something—or rather someone—he could run towards. His first grandson was born. “Who would have thought, me—a grandfather? I ran back to Baltimore as quickly as I could to see this child. I held him and changed him; I saw his first steps. It was a God-given gift for me. I wasn’t there for my son, but I ran to my grandchild. He’s fourteen now. He's playing basketball. I went to one of his games, and boy, was I ecstatic. I love the way he plays; he's a good basketball player.” Roger may be settling down at last, but he’s not slowing down. “One thing about me; I’m easy—my blood pressure’s good. I thank God for my easiness because I do try to take care of myself. I go down to the gym when I get a chance. I joined a boxing club last March, and I’m still a member.” Yep… Roger boxes! “Look, I have fun with it. My son and a few other people in my family say, ‘What's the matter with you? You’re crazy!’ No, I'm not crazy—I’m gonna live till I die. That’s it. I’m not gonna sit around waiting to die. I'm going to have fun. I’m gonna go out. I like to take walks, I like to punch the bag, and I like beautiful days like today. I try to keep myself standing tall because of my grandbaby—born the same day as me—we share the same birthday.”
time to find a home. He was at a shelter when he decided to come to New Place of Recovery Treatment Center, and he’s been here for about three months now. “The house is nice; we’ve got a laundry service, our meals are prepared, we have chores, and we keep the place up like it was when I was in the army. It’s a team effort. When everybody's working together, things run a lot smoother.” Not everyone comes here for treatment— Roger has been clean for a while now—but he needed a home. “Now that I'm gonna stop running, I kind of want to sit down a little bit. I'm an older gentleman now, so it's not really a lot of excitement I want to do anymore; I'm just laid back now. Before I stopped, I was indulging in drinks, dope, marijuana—but I'm seventy years old, and that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.” He was still required to go through the program, which he didn’t mind. He especially liked the classes, including CPR training. “You're never too old to learn. I learn every day. Life is a learning experience, and I like to know things I don't know.” Roger has had his ups and downs. “I worked a shipyard for a while, I did some reserve time, and I worked for the school board doing maintenance; it was pretty good. But after a while, things got a little rough there, and I took
TRAVELING MAN SETTLES DOWN Roger Wilkins: Current client
-Roger Wilkins
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING New Place of Recovery Treatment Center offers Transitional Housing Program for drug addictions and alcohol dependency. The program is for adult men and women who requires housing why they are in treatment. The program is designed to support individuals who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and homeless to get their lives back.
(410) 775-8965
L eroy was in an intolerable living situation, from rats and mice to relationship problems. There was another issue, too: “I took my duffel bag and went to a hospital and said, “I'm a crack addict.” He’d tried getting help before. “Now, mind you, I'm visually impaired—I'm legally blind. I went over to a program several years back. The director sat me down. He wanted to hear my story, so I told him.” Leroy laughs, “His first question was, ‘How can a blind man smoke crack?’ I said I don't do too bad, and I was taught very well how to do it . . . and I enjoyed the feeling, but it was slowly killing me.” Leroy didn’t realize until he read the literature about fentanyl just how dangerous it was. And then he found out for himself. “I got stuff loaded with fentanyl. It took me somewhere I’d never been before. I said, ‘Good God, this stuff is strong!’” This time, he was ready to make a change. “I realized I needed to get help, so I went to the hospital. Ms. Nnenna came to see me on a Friday and took me in that Monday, so I spent that final weekend in the hospital, and then I came in here on February 22nd. That’s when she opened
the first house. I was the first client.” That was back when there was only one house—now there are two, along with ten residents. Leroy dedicated himself to getting healthy. “I completed the whole program. I graduated all three phases.” He has one last step he’s looking forward to: “The only thing now is my own housing. I’m just waiting to obtain it, and I'm just taking my time because I know my Lord is on the throne. He’s going to see me get housing sooner or later, so I'm just waiting on him and taking one step at a time. Right now, I am still living in the New Place of Recovery house.”
He adds that the house he is staying in is really nice. “It's beautiful. I mean, I've got a chore to do; everybody's got chores, and I don't mind doing it—there's nothing back-breaking—so I do the best I can to keep my bed made and keep my room picked up, vacuum the carpet once a week or so; just trying to live life on life’s terms, that’s all.” And how about recovery—is it difficult to stay drug-free? “It's beautiful. For me, it's easy.” He’s been clean since February—"Coming up on nine months, Friday. And that’s huge because I smoked crack every day and chased it with Jim Beam. But I don't no more; I just drink sodas, water, and coffee.” And he has another reason to stay on the straight and narrow. “I've got congestive heart failure, COPD, and bronchitis. And smoking crack was slowly killing me. I'm not doing it no more, thank the Lord.” He adds, “My wife says I used to be on the dark side. You know, if you're using drugs, you’re on the dark side. If you're not, you're in the light. So, I'm in the light now. I feel good now. I thank the man upstairs for meeting Ms. Nnenna and New Place of Recovery. If it hadn’t been for her, I’d probably be dead by now.”
-Leroy Bagwell
-Leroy Bagwell
B obby Harper has been a resident of one of the two houses at New Place of Recovery for three months. Usually, it’s two men to a room, but for now, he has a room to himself. “It’s nice—I like peace and quiet.” Bobby came to New Place of Recovery for two reasons. “I came to the programbecause, for one, Iwashomeless; I had nowhere to go. At the last minute, I decided to try to find a home, so I came here. And the other reason is I was taking prescription pills out on the streets.” He was using opiates for twelve years. “I started when I was twenty years old, having been around the wrong associates.” He started taking pills just to do what they were doing and to fit in with the crowd. Along with the pills, that crowd is no longer a part of his life. “I let them go. It wasn’t hard; it was very easy for me. I said enough is enough. I'm done with them.” He has new friends now—at New Place of Recovery. “They’re like my family here. Everybody helps everybody out. We don't judge the next person. Everybody has an addiction problem; that's why we're here in the program.” Bobby shareswhat it was likewhen he first arrived. “When I got here, they put me on medication. I went to go see a doctor.” He was given suboxone strips to lessen the opiate withdrawal symptoms. Even then, he experienced nausea. He said it took two and a half months for the withdrawal symptoms
to clear. In the meantime, he has been progressing through the program. He finished the first stage, twenty-eight days clean, and is in the second stage now—IOP. He attends group meetings. “It's pretty good; it's working for me. I’ve got three more months, and then I graduate from IOP to OP.” And Bobby is feeling the change. “I'm doing new things that I wasn't doing out in the streets.” One big step— he’s looking for employment. He can even see the change. “At first, I looked in the mirror and saw a no-good person. I had a dark cloud,
a dark shadow over my back. I look in the mirror now, and I'm a better looking man. I lost a lot of weight when I was out on the streets, and since I've been
here, I eat a lot now, I'm gaining more weight, and I look much better. My color’s coming
Man in the Mirror Bobby Harper: Current Client
back, and I feel much better—I feel good.” He gets along well with the staff. “They're good, you know. They take care of their patients and help me out with what I need. Ms. Nnenna is the boss; she’s the one who got me into the program. Also, Ms. Michelle and Mr. Ronnie— they’re good people too. They keep me on top of everything I’m supposed to be doing.” Bobby shares his plans: “My hope for the future? In the next year, having my own place and having my son live with me, and learn how to start saving money.” He says with pride, “He’s eight years old; he’s in school right now. He’s a mama's boy, but he loves me too. That’s my twin—I love him to death; he’s my only child.”
IOP New Place of Recovery Treatment Center offers Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) services for drug addictions and alcohol dependency. The program is for adult men and women who requires intensive Outpatient level of treatment (Level 2.1) and medical interventions to avoid relapse.
Herritage Treatment Center Helping People Stay Clean
Reach for help from Herritage Treatment Center
For more information, please visit: Intake hours: Monday - Friday from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 10 The clinic is open: Monday - Friday from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays.
S teven Adarkwah-Yiadom is the owner of Heritage Treatment Center, an outpatient substance abuse clinic specializing in methadone and suboxone maintenance. Heritage Treatment Center also provides counseling. Methadone and suboxone are medications used to ease withdrawal symptoms as a patient detoxes from opioids. Steven explains that when patients come in, their condition may be mild, intermediate, or severe. He adds that since they are an outpatient facility, he would send the most severe cases to a hospital. And he is very hands-on—Steven is not only the owner but also a nurse at Heritage Treatment Center. “Most patients who come in are treated first at the crisis center and need to be put on methadone or suboxone maintenance, and they are sent to me.” Clients also may be reaching out on their own for help or mandated by the court for a drug treatment plan. Heritage Treatment Center also keeps in contact with local housing programs, such as New Place of Recovery Treatment Center and Tuerk House. If a client comes into Heritage and is homeless, Heritage can refer them to New Place and Tuerk. And vice-versa, if a client from New Place or Tuerk needs a methadone or suboxone treatment, they are referred to Heritage Treatment Center. “We have counselors, a nurse practitioner, and our medical director is Dr. Gazaway. And I have a copartner who is the program director. Her name is Tiffany Beane.” As for Steven, “I'm a nurse here myself. I'm working on my Ph.D. as well. I used to work with various addiction treatment centers, and it got to the point where I thought it was time for me to open my own center, so I can actually serve my clientele—because I have helped a lot of patients.” Steven has a bachelor's as well as a master's degree in mathematics but decided to make a change. “I switched to nursing, so that's my field now; I switched to medicine.”
He was educated both in his home country of Ghana and in the United States. Steven adds that he would really like to see more family involvement with patients. “My goal is to make addiction recovery more family oriented. When you combine all the family support with the will of the person going through this, sometimes the family can really be a big help in making sure that the patient is staying clean.” Steven sees how the patients heal over time as they recover from their addiction. He sees them from day one: “We see patients come in on the very first day, and within three months, we see how well they are. We see the difference. From taking illicit drugs to being able to go back to work. With this program, Heritage is able to make sure they get clean, help them recover, and help them get back to their normal life.” He adds, “Sometimes with a drug addiction, you are unable to work, unable to do whatever you want to do, but as soon as you get clean, people are ready to employ you.”
“Addiction is a pandemic on its own, so it's not going anywhere.”
Steven Adarkwah-Yiadom
Owner of Heritage Treatment Center
Mr. Ronnie—Been There, Done That, Giving Back with Gratitude Ronald Gaskins Outreach coordinator
T raveling through Baltimore, Ronald Gaskins reaches out—and finds—those in need of treatment and housing. He visits homeless shelters and talks with probation and parole officers. “Anyone that’s coming out, that needs help with the housing, and basically whatever they need, I try to help them.” When clients first arrive, “We connect them with a primary doctor of their own. . . because a lot of them haven't seen doctors in years and years. And we hook them up with a mental health therapist in a one-on-one private session.” Ronald has been there. He himself was at Tuerk House years ago, kicking heroin. “When you see people walking up and down the street, they got no place to go; they got no hope. Me being a former addict, I have been twenty years clean, and I know how hard the struggle is when you're out there. So, when I see people like that, I talk to them, and sometimes it amazes me. . . That’s why I do this type of work—because I'm passionate about it, I enjoy it, and I have to give back.” He adds, “A lot of people think they just don't have nobody to care for them or nowhere to turn because a lot of them burned a lot of bridges, stealing from
their spouses and things… In the drug world, you do a lot of things that you wouldn't normally do if you were sober. I try to let them know they're not alone in this battle; they do have somewhere to turn.” Ronald shares his concern about the fentanyl crisis. “They are now starting at fifteen, sixteen years old. It's not only in heroin but also in the crack, marijuana, and E pills. It’s basically in everything.” And you can see the long-term effects. “When you look at them, you ask their age, and they tell me they’re in their 40s, and they look like they're 70.” But they have come to heal, and heal, they do. “We have a group five days a week, and we sit in a circle, and we talk, we laugh, some of them cry, and I tell them, ‘That story that you're telling, you're talking about me because I was there, and I know how it feels.’ And they say, ‘Mr. Ronnie, I know I can always call you.’ And when they’ve completed the three stages of the program? “We have quite a few success stories—we’ve got pictures on the wall of all the classes that graduated from this program, and now they’re living better lives. They keep in contact with me. A lot of them call me, and like I told them, I'm never too busy, even when I'm home. Sometimes you don't have to give a response—sometimes, somebody just wants you to listen. And they answer, ‘Mr. Ronnie, I know I can always call you.’ Ronnie shares the difference he sees as they recover, and he shares with his clients, ‘You went from wearing one pair of jeans all week long to changing clothes every day! Now you’re fresh, you’re shaving, you’re bathing, and you’re sharp!’ We just laugh, and they say, “Mr. Ronnie, you crazy!’”
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