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RELAXATION Muscle relaxation will help reduce any tension you carry. Begin by tensing all the muscles in your face. Hold this pose for eight seconds while inhaling slowly. Then exhale, and relax your entire face. Continue this process throughout your body, hitting key groups like your neck and shoulders, chest, legs and buttocks.
AFFIRMATIONS Repeated positive phrases, can boost self-con dence and improve your mood.
POWER POSES Try getting yourself a standing desk, try placing your arm over the chair next to you, keeping your knees apart and reclining. You can also clasp your hands behind your head and place your feet on your desk. This will improve your mood and may help you
Equally important is understanding that
af rmations aren't about denying or pushing away mental pain, but accepting what you feel and
perform better throughout the day. Try doing them for two minutes at a time. REINVENT the way YOU think. 5 for building mental strength EXERCISES committing to a solution. Writing your thoughts and ideas in order to clarify your values can be the best rst step you can take. CALMING MUSIC The link between music and mood is well-established, and it can have a positive effect on your stress levels and anxiety. Listening to slow, quiet classical music is particularly bene cial, as it helps to limit your mind from wandering, slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Improve your performance throughout the day
MEDITATION It's really easy to calm your mind and relax your body. Apps such as Buddhify and Headspace will walk you through meditation and deep breathing exercises quickly, so you only need to set aside a short amount of time.
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