Small Business Guide (608) 238-2464 madison area


Blue Iris Landscaping LLC brings artistry and craftsmanship to your home or place of busi- ness. We have a very experienced design-

nursery stock. We reuse and recycle brush and wood that is removed from var- ious yards by having it ground into chips which we use in our nursery first as mulch and then to grow ed- ible mushrooms that decompose the mulch into potting soil for fu-


er for your plantings, hardscape and drain- age problems. Blue Iris Landscaping personnel are ICPI trained and certified builders of pa- tios, driveways and Allen Block certi- fied builders of retaining walls. Blue Iris Landscaping main designer and owner studied Land- scape Architecture at the UW Mad- ison and then transferred to the art department at the UW Madison campus The owner and designer is trained and certified by Interlock- ing Concrete Paving Institute (which sets the national standards) in paver (brick) work and Allen Block Co. in retaining wall design and installa- tion. At Blue Iris Landscaping LLC we grow many of our own trees and bushes in our Blue Iris Nursery us- ing organic methods. We also use the companion planting of vegetables to suppress weeds and fertilize the

ture nursery plants.

Clean hardscape products such as cement and asphalt are taken to quarries that crush and reused the material in construction projects. Removed plants are often saved to be replanted and the remaining refuse is either composted at our shop or tak- en to composting sites. Blue iris Landscaping takes the empty pots from plants we pur- chase, back to nurseries that will re- use aand recycle them.

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