
A Model for the Nation

T he V ital R ole of the O hio UMADAOP F ederation : A Model for the Nation

S ince 1980 minority communities in the state of Ohio have been served by 11 autonomous, 501-C3 organizations formerly named Urban Minori ty Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Programs. Each of these organizations is more commonly known throughout Ohio by its acronym “UMADAOP” (Pro nounced YOU-MUH-DOP). During the early years of their existence, the UMA DAOP Organization came together and formed a state-wide federation and resolved to maintain unity, cultural relevance, and excellence in order to ensure a commitment to the delivery of qualitative services for all of the people served by the Ohio UMADAOP organization. The UMADAOP Organizations are located in the Ohio cities with the highest population of African American and Hispanic people. The UMADAOP or ganizations established the Ohio UMADAOP federa tion more than 35 years ago. Prior to that, the organi zation had already developed an impressive history of

cooperation and collaboration. They work together to devel op numerous programs, initiatives for prevention, treatment, and services for formerly incarcerated individuals. For the past 33 years, the Ohio UMADAOP federation has hosted annual state-wide conferences. The conferences have provided memorable keynote speakers and workshop oppor tunities for networking, sharing best practices, and training for staff development. The federation board members consist of the executive directors of each organization, and month ly meetings are held in Columbus or by Zoom. The feder ation strives to elevate the ethical standards of prevention and treatment professionals to strengthen the rationale for cultural sensitivity as it relates to developmental research of prevention and treatment strategies, activities, and curricula for African American and Hispanic populations. The organi zation’s synergetic success is identified as an ambitious vision to promote the federation and be recognized as a national model to build capacity and sustainability. The Ohio UMAD AOP organizations are located in the following cities. Akron, Cleveland, Cleveland Hispanic, Cincinnati, Columbus, Day ton, Lima, Lorain, Mansfield, Toledo, and Youngstown.


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