recently write and currently star in his One-Man play, “Michael Colyar’s Momma”, the step-by-step journey of his long road to and through addiction and then into the light and love of true faith, true love, and finally lasting recovery. His journey has been long and his faith unwavering on his path to professional success, personal fulfillment and perhaps that most precious of all possible reward’s- His opportunity to share his story with all in need of light and love. As he often shares- “Your Word is Your Wand!” Our gift is our chance to now listen to and be inspired by the words of one who’s been there and back, and faithfully brought the generous spirit of love and hope to give to us here and now.
Yes, Michael has spent decades bringing that most healthy of prescriptions to all in need- The Laughs! The shortest list of his professional accomplishments would require a long, long scroll, but among his many highlights we must include- His roles in the groundbreaking TV sitcoms- “Martin” and “Blackish” His film roles in “House Party III” and “The Princess & The Frog” His leading role in “Holiday Heartbreak” (currently available on BET+) His current role as Host of the daily YouTube talk show- “The Michael Colyar Morning Show” on YouTube. Yet—as Michael himself will passionately make clear—all of his creative work has flowed through his faith in his loving God, and has arrived as a direct result of this faith as filtered through the creative vision he’s followed every step of his journey to recovery. Of course, at present our entire world is in even greater need of the relief, release and recovery that both real comedy and real motivation offer us as we struggle to weave through shifting waves of global uncertainty. And this is why Michael has recommitted himself once again to sharing his recovery hope through his active role as a speaker and mentor with a vast lifetime of experience we can all relate to on the most human of levels. In conjunction with his speaking and mentoring outreach, Michael has also dovetailed his creative vision with his fellowship commitment to
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