
We all have and continue to en- dure the devastating dispropor- tionate impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the scourge of the opiate epidemic and unjustified violence inflicted on members of our community, But like our ancestors before us we have shown resiliency, cour- age and the will to take care of our own. The UMADAOPS of Ohio have been at the forefront for over 40 years in providing competent and culturally appropriate Pre- vention, Treatment and Sup- portive services to members of communities of color and their families.

It is our hope that the knowl- edge and information gained at this conference will equip you to continue to provide the legacy of service reflected in the UMADA - OPS Mission and Purpose. I would like to extend a heart- felt Thank you to Myrtle Lighton and the Lima UMADAOP Staff for putting together this excellent program and for the generous hospitality that they will demon- strate throughout this Confer- ence.

In, Love, Peace and Community

Donald Christian President, UMADAOP Federation of Ohio

“I would like to extend a heartfelt Thank you to Myrtle Lighton and the Lima UMADAOP Staff for put- ting together this excellent pro- gram and for the generous hos- pitality that they will demonstrate throughout this Conference .”


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