UMADAOP Magazine

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8 TEENSTAKE CHARGE Youth-led group provides a space for teen perspective on addiction 10 OLD SCHOOL, NEW PROGRAM Former school repurposed for UMADAOP activities 12 TACKLING AN EPIDEMIC Legislation would tackle opioid problem in our four areas 14 GROWING COMMUNITY Mans eld UMADAOP puts focus on parents and young children 18 INVESTING IN THE FUTURE UMADAOP proactively helps kids to steer clear of drugs and alcohol 20 UP AND DOWN While prescription opioid doses decrease in Ohio, deaths from fentanyl rise 22 REVEALING AN IMPOSTER Dayton UMADAOP seeks to educate those on ‘the great imitator’ 28 SAVING OHIO’S YOUNGEST African American infant mortality rate soars in Ohio 30 21 ST CENTURY After school program helps at-risk kids get ahead 32 RESERVING A PLACE IN HISTORY UMADAOP builds bonds that foster recovery

36 STRONG GUIDANCE Lorain UMADAOP mentoring program creates success 40 AMERICA’S PSYCHOLOGIST Renowned psychologist to speak at UMADAOP conference 44 WEWILL BUILD 2016 UMADAOP State Conference promotes cooperation and growth 46 MOVING PASTTHE PAIN UMADAOP conference speaker addresses suicide in the black community 48 LASTING IMPACT UMADAOP leaders look back on how the state conference has evolved 50 BOOMING PROBLEM Elderly substance abuse issues expected to grow as baby boomers age 52 THE MISSING LINK Integrated treatment works best for victims of sexual abuse who are also addicts 54 RECOVERY U More college campuses are dedicating housing to students recovering from addiction 56 LEARNINGTO DRINK Study nds alcohol changes the brain

Cincinnati UMADAOP


Cleveland UMADAOP


Columbus UMADAOP




Hispanic UMADAOP






Mans eld UMADAOP


Lucas County UMADAOP


Youngstown UMADAOP


UMADAOP Magazine is published by The In uence

6830 West Villard Ave Milwaukee, WI 53218

Copyright 2016 by The In uence. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, excepting brief quotations in connection with reviews written speci cally for inclusions in magazines or newspapers, or limited excerpts strictly for personal use. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved.

from the very rst drink 58 ARE VACCINES THE ANSWER?

A new vaccine has been shown to prevent overdoses and stop opioid “designer drugs” from affecting the brain 60 THETURNING POINT New study looks to pinpoint transition from prescription opioids to heroin

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