Getz also attends weekly Narcotics Anonymous meetings, keeps in regular contact with her sponsor, and helps other recovering addicts as a UMADAOP volunteer. In spite of growing up with parents who smoked pot and used other drugs, she didn't know much about addiction and recovery. “In the beginning, I didn't know about detox, and didn’t realize that there are places like UMADAOP out there to help you. Danielle helped me a lot by being very honest and open, being there for me and helping me with things like dealing with family and friends who don't understand what addiction is about.” Today, Getz is dedicated to her recovery. Eventually, she plans to return to school to earn a college degree in horticulture, so she can resume a career she had started after high school, working in landscape design. Looking back at how far she has come, Getz believes that her second attempt at breaking free from addiction has been successful largely because of her accepting the help of a sponsor and working hard on the 12 steps, “instead of ¢ying by the seat of my pants. A lot of things have changed.” “I didn’t know there are places like UMADAOP out there to help you.” - Amber Getz


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