“We are transparent and open and a loving organization…The people we serve like being here because we know their names and their stories.”

-Dr. Kamaria Tyehimba, CEO UMADAOP Cincinnati

Dr. Tyehimba explained that many families consider heroin addiction to be a white person disease, and therefore feel disinclined to pursue help. She believes that raising awareness that “addiction does not discriminate,” is one of the strongest practices for extending help to those in need. She encourages, “Share the message: church, community, home, workplace.This is a disease; not just a white person’s disease.” Before occupying her role at the facility, Dr. Tyehimba was a volunteer at UMADAOP for 28 years. She received her Doctorate in Social Psychology fromThe University of Cincinnati, staffed for years at multiple mental health and addiction recovery facilities, and finally became President CEO at UMADAOP in 2014. Dr. Tyehimba spoke proudly of the deep care the organization consistently conveys to its clients,

“The presentation and culture is compassionate but also very serious. Our clinic demands a lot from people. We are transparent and open and a loving organization… The people we serve like being here because we know their names and their stories.” Dr. Tyehimba says that her team has a “tradition of giving 110%.” With the commitment and quality of UMADAOP, and the incredible help the organization receives from local funders like the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and The Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, she anticipates their Cincinnati office to become a household name.


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