new heights

Finding the right path Anthony acted on her new resolve when she got out of prison and entered inpatient treatment. Upon completion, she continued into an intensive outpatient program, and moved into New Heights.There, she rediscovered a sense of freedom that she had lost - first to addiction, then to incarceration. “It’s like a landing pad for me to start living my life again,” she says of the sober house. With her newfound freedom at New Heights, and in her first experience with recovery no less, Anthony has explored the many avenues toward wellness to find a path that best suits her. She started by attending various 12 step groups, and found a model that worked for her after talking to housemates at New Heights, all in various stages of recovery.

For Anthony, meditation has played a major role in dealing with difficult emotions like shame, guilt and regret - emotions she once used drugs to cope with. Peers at New Heights introduced her to a variety of 12-step formats, including weekly meditation groups, which proved to be an ideal spiritual supplement to traditional AA and NA meetings. “It’s really opened my eyes and helped with my sobriety,” she says, “and without New Heights I wouldn’t have been able to find that.” At New Heights, Anthony found the support, accountability and opportunity to harness her own internal drive and make her first encounter with recovery a lasting one. Mending ties Her progress has not gone unnoticed - Anthony says that after four years without speaking to her family, she is finally mending the ties she cut during her addiction. Her mother has welcomed Anthony into her home, and her daughter has welcomed her back into her life. “Without being sober, I know that I wouldn’t have a relationship with them at all,” she says. “We’re rebuilding, but it feels awesome. It gives me the hope that I need to keep going.”

“It’s like a landing pad for me to start living my life again.” -Rachel Anthony


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