new heights

OUR MISSION is to reach for newheights by standingon the rock. The Rock is the powerwe have found to be greater than ourselves. It includes newtools and toolswe acquire duringour recoverynecessary to build a newhouse of integrity, humility, accountability and spiritual revelations. Now, aswe become self-actualized, we have the opportunity to sharewith like minds our daily accomplishments here at home. Our goal aswe live in a sober environment is toachieve a state of satisfaction and embrace the belief thatwe have, inside of us, all that is needed to live a joyous and complete life. We focus in helpingour clients livewith freedom in a structured program promoting accountability, responsibility, honesty and a vibrant, sober social life. In doing so, togetherwe achieve freedom fromour addictions and the newfound ability to live a rewarding, fulfilling life in recovery.

Allow Us To Help You Reach Your Heights Call 763.205.2487 for information

3980 5th St NE | Columbia Heights, MN 55421

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