new heights

Another opportunity The “experiment” was replicated in another pair that came together in recovery. Bethany Draheim was looking for a new sober house while she continued an intensive outpatient program. Moving into New Heights, where her boyfriend Bryan Braddy lived, seemed like a long shot. McFarlane says he took a chance after seeing the success of Pearson and Latourneau, and welcomed Draheim to New Heights, initially in the women’s house. After seeing the positive impact they had on each other, McFarlane decided it was time for Braddy and Draheim to share a home with Pearson and Latourneau, and continue to grow as a unit and as individuals. “I saw [Braddy’s] work ethic develop because of his love for this woman, and his love for her was stronger than his desire for the drug,” says McFarlane, adding that their efforts in recovery set an example for other residents as well.

Moving forward At the end of August, both couples moved into their own houses, with more responsibilities to uphold and new challenges to face. But their lessons in compromise, and the obstacles they have overcome thus far built a sturdy foundation. McFarlane, inspired by the success he’s seen in Pearson and Latourneau, and in Braddy and Draheim, is working on a format to officially incorporate a family and couples model into the New Heights program. “If they didn’t have these tools of recovery, empathy and compassion, it would have fallen apart,” says McFarlane. “But they made it here. So when I think about if this is a viable resource to offer people, I think yes, it absolutely is.”

“His love for her was stronger than his desire for the drug.” -Greg McFarlane

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