new heights

Growing Into Hope The key to success lies in the willingness to grow

Lake Braaten finds time to reflect on the past eight months living at New Heights Sober House, LLC between a busy schedule of school, homework, running an AA meeting and packing. Now two weeks into his first semester at Augsburg College, he prepares himself for the next step in his recovery, a move into a new house that he will share with four other soon-to-be former New Heights residents. There’s a lot on his plate, but he feels ready - excited, even - which is far more than he could say a year ago. Moving day happens to fall on his one-year sobriety date, Sept. 2.

“I couldn’t even handle day to day things,” he says. “I couldn’t brush my teeth or take a shower, let alone think about school or moving out.” In the midst of withdrawals from opiates and benzodiazepines, frequent panic attacks and severe bouts of depression, not to mention his legal issues, Braaten was losing hope fast. “I wanted to die,” he recalls. “I figured I’d take as many drugs as possible and try not to cross the line, but if I did, whatever.” So when his probation officer offered him the chance to go to treatment, he went along with it. He didn’t see it as any better or any worse than his current situation - it was just another day in the life.

“I couldn’t even handle day to day things.” -Lake Braaten resident New Heights Sober House, LLC


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