Treatment Profiles
Wendi Huntley is in her ! fth year as president of Connecting Kids to Meals. " e organization provides accessible, nutritious meals to children living in low- income areas in and around Toledo. In 2020, Huntley and her team have served about 875,000 meals. a N eed Feeding What are some of your daily responsibilities as president of this organization? I provide vision and oversee the sta # and the board. I’m chie $ y responsible for fundraising, marketing, and branding. I deal a lot with community partners to make sure we’re building collaborations and sustainable relationships. What led to you getting involved in hunger relief ? I have friends who are teachers and administrators at other organizations, so I was constantly hearing about challenges the kids in the area were facing. I’ve never walked in these kids’ shoes, but I wanted to do everything I could to provide some support for them. I believed this line of work was the perfect ! t. I started working with a hunger relief organization in 2012 and was there for about ! ve years before I began working where I am now.
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