Treatment Profiles
A Profile with Coach Wakeso Peterson IN THE GYM
It’s a 19-year high school career, and it could easily grow into another 10 years. # ey’re the same hallways, classrooms, even some of the same teachers. Many have come and gone, but he’s still here meeting new students arriving at the school and attending the repetitive calendar of annual school events. Wakeso Peterson is the athletic director at Toledo’s Scott High School. For the past seven years, he’s scheduled and planned athletic events, organized referee and team schedules, managed budgets, and strategized marketing plans. # ough he now serves on the administrative team, his time at the high school began as a student. Peterson attended Scott High School, where he played football and basketball. After graduating,
he moved to Columbus to study theatre and education at Ohio State University. He graduated in 1999 and decided to move back to Toledo. Peterson’s coursework in education soon a ! orded him an o ! er to teach " rst- grade students while also coaching at another elementary school. Less than a year later, these experiences led him to return to a familiar place. Peterson received the invitation to coach at Scott High, where his younger brothers were attending and playing tennis. He accepted the position, but his heart for the community drew him beyond the walls of the school. In 2005, Peterson began working with the Lucas County UMADAOP. His role with the program began as a teen pregnancy prevention coordinator with local schools. # roughout his 10 years at UMADAOP, Peterson also assisted in
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