Treatment Profiles
A Fulfilling Purpose
Nearly two decades after founding ASF, the faith-based, non-profit organization remains a safe and secure establishment for people trying to recover from drug and alcohol addiction and other life-threatening issues. Moreover, Campbell remains as passionate and committed as ever to assisting Baltimoreons in need. “A Step Forward takes on the role of a hospital,” Campbell said. “As people enter treatment torn down physically and mentally, and in need of help, I love how our team takes action. I believe that if a person attempts to get better, we must meet them where they are. They are entrusting us with their lives. There have been a few times when I wanted to step away to work a 9-5 job. Just then, a past or present client pulls me aside to tell me how much of an important impact the organization has made in their life. I then remember the purpose and realize it’s all worth it.” Over the years, ASF has participated in multiple programs, including Leadership Baltimore County (LBC), Associated Black Charities (ABC) and the Coppin State University Leadership Program, and expanded its services to work with veterans, seniors, recently incarcerated persons, and other individuals in need. ASF has also partnered with agencies and organizations to complete community projects, such as serenity gardens, walk-through theatres, food giveaways, and neighborhood cleanups. Campbell, who will soon be featured on a mural for the positive influence she’s had on the community, credits her staff, interns,
volunteers, board members, and late brother, Frederick Blue, with helping ASF reach the heights it has. “We survived so much and we are still here,” Campbell said. “I have a beautiful, compassionate team who believes in the organization’s mission and vision. Our
goal, through self-improvement opportunities, is to return to our communities men and women who have hope and a future. It has been quite a journey and it is still underway.”
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