prosper surge

Identifying struggles In addition to his career, Allen’s personal experience lends itself to helping clients. With 26 years clean and sober, he remembers the struggles of addiction and serves as living proof that it can be overcome. Moreover, he says it helps him better relate to clients’ struggles. “It helps being able to identify with them that I walked down that long, dusty road, too,” he says. Recovery has given him the strength to persevere through life’s challenges, and in turn encourage that perseverance in recovering addicts. €e youngest son in a family of 15, it’s no surprise that Allen has dealt with grief and loss. He says he has already outlived three siblings, as well as his mother and father. “I’ve been through lots of situations that were discouraging and made me want to give up,” Allen says. “I was able to overcome those struggles without losing what I’ve got and succumbing to the struggle.” Allen is living proof that the advice he gives to clients really does work: “€e sky is the limit,” he says. “What you put into this new way of life will be what you get out of it. You can be anything you’d like to be.” [ ] “I walked down that long, dusty road, too.” - Wayne Allen, clinical director [ ] “What you put into this new way of life will be what you get out of it. You can be anything you’d like to be.” - Wayne Allen

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