real house

Rebuilding a life But thankfully Patricia’s story doesn’t end there. After being released from jail, Patricia made her way to Real House where she was nally able to break free from her addiction and enter into lasting recovery. Lost in her own life for many years, Patricia credits Real House’s program with giving her the support she needed to take on the emotional task of rebuilding herself. “It gave me a structure,” Patricia says. “It allowed me to come, cry, laugh, go inside and get rid of some stuff, leave some stuff behind, and take some stuff with me.” Patricia says the Real House staff helped her to open up and be honest about her struggles and her desire for a better life. She says the counseling and group sessions allowed her to fully explore her addiction and come to terms with the issues that were preventing her from truly embracing her recovery. “My feelings began to change, my reality started to change,” Patricia says. “I was able to identify my pain and I was able to identify my joy.” Bright future Since leaving Real House, Patricia has taken her life in a new and positive direction. After completing an intensive treatment program, Patricia got her G.E.D. and applied to college, recently graduating with an associate degree in business administration. She’s already working toward a bachelor’s degree and says she knows now that the power to change her life was inside her all along. “It was up to me to decide if I wanted to continue to suffer or to move on to the other side,” Patricia says. “My choice was to move on to the other side.” With her future looking brighter than ever before, Patricia is excited to continue her journey of recovery and embrace a positive future.


When trapped in the grip of addiction , nding hope and a positive way forward can be extremely dif cult, and may even appear impossible. But Real House Inc. was established to help clients nd that light for themselves and seek a new and better life. One client in particular, Patricia P., knows how dif cult that journey can be, and how great the redemption can feel. For many years, Patricia abused drugs along with her longtime boyfriend. She says the addiction got to the point where it was dif cult to even recognize herself. “I was unmanageable. My life was miserable,” Patricia says. “I did not know where I was. My life was totally not where it was supposed to have been.” Eventually her substance abuse led to her children being removed from her home by the state, a painful moment that opened a deep emotional wound, but it still wasn’t enough to keep her from using. Though she tried to get clean several times, Patricia found herself falling back on old habits and was ultimately incarcerated because of her substance abuse. “I just couldn’t stop using. That was the feeling inside that I was trying to avoid,” Patricia says. “It

outweighed my children and my family members...everyone, including myself.”

“I am the happiest woman in the world.”

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