
Stabilized, the client experiences diverse forms of therapy that approach recovery from virtually every angle. In addition to standard talk therapy, Faust says clients take part in art and music as well as individual and group therapy.ey also have opportunities for computer literacy courses, barber shop training, health and wellness education and more.e range of services exemplify a holistic treatment model that STOP has pioneered for decades, says Faust. Constantly evolving Part of the reason STOP has been able to treat more than 13,000 clients since its founding in 1987 is due to its ability and willingness to incorporate the latest treatment models - to “stay ahead of the cutting edge” of addiction research, says Faust. He likens it to the progress in medical science overall, which bases treatment practices on the latest, most credible evidence to give patients the highest chances of recovery. But he recognizes that each individual experiences treatment di„erently, and says STOP welcomes struggling clients back any time they fall. “Failure happens.We’re not going to turn someone away just because they mess up a couple times,” Faust says. Recovery maintenance can be a trial-and-error process, and given STOP’s consistent evolution with a non-judgmental approach, for many clients it’s a matter of time before they discover what recovery looks like for themselves.

“We get them raw… Some of them don’t even have a place to stay.” - Vincent Faust


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