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anti-smoke signals Fresh Empire’s anti-tobacco appeal is all about staying independent

Generational Brain Damage

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When you are addicted to tobacco, you are not in control. So says the main message of Fresh Empire, an Internet and TV campaign designed to inspire teens and young adults to stay away from cigarettes. Fresh Empire’s website—freshempire.betobaccofree.hhs.gov—has infor- mation and informational videos all about the consequences of smoking. Here, young people can learn about the chemical content of cigarettes, health risks associated with tobacco use and social drawbacks. Fresh Empire, sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), puts on events with performers such as rappers Silento and Stuey Roc, who deliver posi- tive, tobacco-free messages. “Being fresh is about yourself. The empire is yourself, man,” says radio per- sonality ET in video footage of a Fresh Empire concert. And Rock had this to say about tobacco use on a Fresh Empire video: “Smoking is not cool.” a nti-smoke Signals “Being fresh is about yourself. The empire is yourself, man.” - Radio personality ET Fresh Empire’s anti-tobacco appeal is all about staying independent

Tobacco statistics “What’s the deal with tobacco?” asks a Fresh Empire graphic. With this ques- tion, it launches into the ingredi- ents found in cigarettes, along with the health and social side effects of smoking. Images on Fresh Em- pire’s website show freshfaced youth looking directly into the camera as a way to deliver a straightforward and relatable source of information for young people. Fresh Empire does not rely on imag- ery alone. It also provides poignant statistics and cites research conduct- ed by the HHS and Internal Agency for Research on Cancer, among other organizations: •Cigarette smoking causes 480,000 deaths per year. • Smokers die, on average, 10 years younger than non-smokers. • 16 million people have at least one disease caused by smoking. A graphic on the site shows what Fresh Empire calls “all sorts of nasty chemicals” in tobacco, along with unsavory facts about those substanc- es. Listed first is carbon monoxide, which is found in car exhaust. Cig- arettes contain arsenic, Fresh Em- pire informs readers, which is used in pesticides. And there’s benzene, found in gasoline. Another header states simply “keep your cash,” which leads to a statistic that smoking half a pack a day costs an average of $1,000 per year. “That’s a lot of cash to blow on cig- arettes,” Fresh Empire states. “What would you rather spend $1,000 on?”

Online videos and TV ads The website has a series of short videos and TV ads, all with poignant soundbites and stories about the self-empowerment that comes from staying away from smoking. In a 30-second TV spot, young people, one after another, repeat the mantra, “I reject anything—including tobacco—that tries to control me.” Jayy Starr, a young hip-hop musi- cian, stars in a commercial where she tells the story of her grandfather. He smoked cigarettes for many years and died of lung cancer. “Losing my grandfather has influ- enced my whole musical being, because it makes me more passionate,” Starr says in a behind- the-scenes video for the ad. “I’m not going to lose

young man in sunglasses and a scarf. Throughout the videos, television ads and web content, Fresh Empire implores young people to think of cigarettes as an affront to autonomy. Surrendering to nicotine is not being in control, they say. Therefore, smoking is not fresh. “Losing my grandfather has influenced my whole musical being, because it makes me more passionate. I’m not going to lose another person to cigarettes. To me, being a leader means being

In another video, young people stand in the middle of the frame as messages flash on the screen alongside then. One reads “Long live Fresh Empire. Long live you. Live tobacco-free.” Another spot flashes empowering words for young women—“fresh,” “strong,” “boss,” “royal,” and “queen”—before a female voice-over says, “Fresh Empire is flippin’ the script in fash- ion, in hip-hop, in life.” Another video opens with the question “What’s Fresh Empire?” followed by a group of young people defining the tobacco-free movement. “It means looking out for you,” the first young man says. Another adds, “And your fam, too.” “When you are doing you, looking fresh, people follow,” says a stylish

tobacco-free.” -Singer Jayy Starr

another person to cigarettes. To me, being a leader means being tobacco free.”

CONTACT US: 106 John Street North Aurora, IL 60542 takingcontrolcounseling.com 630.454.1514

Underserved And Undeterred Overcoming the unique challenges LGBTQ individuals face with addiction A s more and more addiction treatment centers are looking for ways to tailor programs to address the individual needs of clients, one section of the population is being largely overlooked. Advocates say treatment providers need to be more aware of the unique issues and barriers facing the LGBTQ community. Numbers don’t lie

For starters, statistics show substance abuse issues affect LGBTQ individuals at much higher rates than they do the heterosexual population. Some estimates show an addiction rate between 30 and 40 percent, compared to around 10 percent of the population in general. While statistics also show that LGBTQ individuals enter into treatment more readily than the rest of the country, they also face significantly higher animosity once in a program. Advocates say 46 percent of homosexual men and women have had a homophobic therapist, and 34 percent felt their sexuality was seen as irrelevant. While putting sexuality aside to address addiction directly may seem like a good thing at first glance, advocates say recognizing those differences is key to creating a lasting recovery. Need for understanding Understanding a person’s sexuality and gender identity can be as important as understanding their race or ethnic background in that it can uncover potentially hidden sources of stress or

trauma that may contribute to substance use. Just as counselors should consider the social experiences of African-Americans, so too should they consider the unique circumstances faced by members of the LGBTQ community. “In order to not continue to create trauma towards the LGBTQ community, the more culturally competent a person or work/recov- ery environment is, the better,” says Molly Gilbert, director of business development for the PRIDE Institute in Minnesota.

The PRIDE Institute specializes in addiction treatment for the LGBTQ community, and Gilbert says a lack of understanding or awareness by treatment providers can create barriers for people seeking treatment. Even for organizations that seek to become “inclusive” communities, they may not set up a program that accurately addresses LGBTQ concerns, or providers may not realize how they are doing harm to LGBTQ individuals, transgressions known as micro-aggressions. “Micro-aggressions occur daily towards the community and educating heterosexual colleagues, supporters and the rest of society is key in helping to diminish these daily slights and harm,” Gilbert says. Education first To improve treatment outcomes and the experi- ences of LGBTQ people in general, advocates say it’s vital that treatment pro-

viders, physicians, and social service employees educate themselves on

some of these unique challenges and barriers. But they also say LGBTQ people need to educate themselves as well. “Educating the LGBTQ community on the dangers of abuse of alcohol and drugs, and the fact that the community is actually being tar-

geted by institutions such as big tobacco, alcohol companies and drug manufacturers is key,” Gilbert says. With very few

LGBTQ-specific treatment centers across the country, advocates know many

LGBTQ individuals will end up in heteronormative treatment facilities. And while that can present prob-

lems, Gilbert says with the right education and the right system in place, recovery is attainable. “With the right therapy coexisting with a mainstream treatment center, we believe it is doable.”

CONTACT US: 106 John Street North Aurora, IL 60542 takingcontrolcounseling.com 630.454.1514



“It’s really just about being around like-minded people and developing that ‘we’ as a support system.”

– Dr. Gerard Love, Slippery Rock University

INSERT 5 “It’s really just about being around like-minded people and developing that ‘we’ as a support system,” Dr. Love says. Dr. Love says simply having a recovery space

“Universities are supposed to be about dialogue, and having this is a great opportunity for dialogue,” Dr. Love says. “Bringing this whole notion of addiction out of the shadows and increasing understanding, I think will be a good byproduct of this.”

on a college campus could help change perceptions about recovery and remove the stigma surrounding addiction.

Of cials at the University of Minnesota – Rochester will also be opening a new recovery LLC for the fall 2016 semester. Of cials say it’s necessary to provide recovering students with the tools they need to succeed academically and in their personal lives. “Historically, students who are in recovery really struggle to come back to campus without that [supportive housing] program,” says Kris Barry, the school’s health and wellness advocate. The LLC will house six to 10 students and feature evidence-based recovery programming. Of cials say the LLC speaks to the school’s mission as a health-focused university. But more than that, they say they hope to foster a culture of personal growth among all students, particularly those in recovery. “I see them as being leaders here on campus and then taking that and changing the dialogue about addiction,” Barry says. “We know that the traditional college experience can be hostile to the goals of anyone in recovery, and we want to support them as much as possible.”

Boyd Austin says student communities centered on recovery provide a welcome relief for students to explore their university in a supportive and positive way. “It o ers a space, it o ers a culture, it o ers a community of people who are engaging in college in the same way,” Boyd Austin says.

Experts say universities are increasingly adding recovery programs focused on creating a community among students, but ones incorporating housing are still few and far between. “This started about 30 years ago, but it has really taken off in the last 10 years,” says Amy Boyd Austin, president-elect of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education.


CONTACT US: 106 John Street North Aurora, IL 60542 takingcontrolcounseling.com 630.454.1514


Marijuana users are five times more likely to develop an alcohol abuse disorder, according to a new study

When it rains it pours. The old idiom may be familiar to many drug users who often find themselves battling more than one addiction. While previous research has shown multiple substance abuse disorders often go hand in hand, a new study suggests simply using marijuana can lead to a much higher risk of developing an alcohol use disorder.

Finding the Link Researchers at Columbia University analyzed data from 27,461 people who had used marijuana at the time of first testing, but had no history of alcohol related disorders. When researchers checked back three years later, they found marijuana users were five times more likely to have developed an alcohol abuse disorder.

Researchers said they were surprised the link wasn’t between marijuana use disorder, but simply marijuana use itself. “I think it’s important for people to be aware that there are certain behaviors that come with specific risks,” says Dr. Renee Goodwin, one of the lead researchers. “It would be particularly useful for youth.” Because youth are at a higher risk of experimenting with both drugs and alcohol, researchers said educating them about the total scope of risk is not only important, but could help curb problematic behaviors. “Preventing or delaying the onset of marijuana use could prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorder,” Dr. Goodwin says. “Statistically it should.”

“I think it’s important for people to be aware that there are certain behaviors that come with specific risks.” -Dr. Renee Goodwin


“Preventing or delaying the onset of marijuana use could prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorder.” -Dr. Renee Goodwin


Uses In Treatment For those already struggling with marijuana or alcohol use disorders, researchers said the knowledge that the two behaviors are linked could help people see the bigger picture of their addiction, and could prove useful in their journey toward recovery. “In some ways it may seem self- evident, but it may not be,” Dr. Goodwin says. “If you’re trying to quit drinking, it’s good to know that quitting marijuana could increase your chance of being successful.”

Zero relationship to mood and anxiety disorders As marijuana use has increased in the U.S., with some states even voting for legalization, some have wondered what the psychological cost will be to users. To investigate the question further, other researchers at Columbia University also conducted a recent study to determine if a link exists between increased marijuana use and psychiatric disorders. Although the results, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, mimicked previous research in showing a strong relationship between marijuana use and other substance abuse disorders, the findings in regards to psychiatric disorders were much different. The study showed no relationship between marijuana use and increased instances of mood and anxiety disorders, only substance abuse disorders. But despite the lack of a connection, researchers still cautioned against public policy that could lead to increased marijuana use. “The lack of association between more frequent cannabis use with increased risk of most mood and anxiety disorders does not diminish the important public health significance of the association between cannabis use and increased prevalence and incidence of drug and alcohol use disorders,” the authors wrote. 


CONTACT US: 106 John Street North Aurora, IL 60542 takingcontrolcounseling.com 630.454.1514

Drinking during pregnancy presents parents with challenges beyond their own sobriety

Since its first diagnosis in 1973, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) have shown how devastating drinking during pregnancy can be for an unborn child. Despite this fact, at least one in 10 pregnant women drink in the U.S. every year, according to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC says children with FASD have physical issues like low birth weight and growth, problems with organ systems and damage to parts of the brain.These issues lead to behavioral and intellectual disabilities, hyperactivity, difficulty with attention, and poor communication, reasoning and judgment skills. The incurable situation can produce lifelong issues with school and social problems, mental health and substance abuse issues, difficulty keeping a job, living independently and having trouble with the law. In 2010, drinking while pregnant cost the U.S. $5.5 billion, says the CDC.

“ In 2010, drinking while pregnant cost the U.S. $5.5 billion. ” — Centers for Disease Control

“ I don’t know how I’m going to tell her. It was something I could have prevented. ” —mother of an FASD infant

Dysfunction in the family tree FASD can be multi-generational. Besides the common familial curse of addiction, the disability itself can contribute to bad impulse decisions, making it more likely for one to drink in the present moment and ignore the possible consequences. For that reason, a mother who has FASD herself may not recognize the symptoms of FASD in her child, because she views her own symptoms as normal. A mother in Tucson, Ariz., who was in recovery before realizing her drinking had caused FASD in her child, says the guilt was tremendous. Having to explain to her daughter why she had FASD was going to be the hardest thing she had ever done. “I don’t know how I’m going to tell her. It was something I could have prevented,” she says. Early diagnosis is key Diagnosing fetal alcohol syndrome can be difficult. A simple blood test will not suffice. Doctors typically look for abnormal facial features, such as a smooth fulcrum (the ridge most of us have between our nose and lips), lower than average height and weight, a small head and the birthmother’s admission of alcohol use during pregnancy. There are many treatment options, including medication for certain symptoms, behavioral therapies, education and training for parents. It is most helpful for children to be diagnosed before the age of six, be in a nurturing family environment and have access to special education and social services. Having FASD is not a hopeless situation. Implementing treatment strategies at a young age can help a child thrive despite the disorder.

 Regardless, it is never too late to quit drinking. Since brain growth takes place throughout a woman’s pregnancy, the sooner a woman quits drinking, the better off her baby will be. Prevention is best To prevent FASD, the best scenario is for a woman to refrain from drinking any amount of alcohol during pregnancy. Ideally, women should quit drinking the moment they go off birth control. “About half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, and even if planned, most women won’t know they are pregnant for the first month or so, when they might still be drinking,” says Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director at the CDC.

CONTACT US: 106 John Street North Aurora, IL 60542 takingcontrolcounseling.com 630.454.1514

CONTACT US: 106 John Street North Aurora, IL 60542 takingcontrolcounseling.com 630.454.1514

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