NPORTC Magazine

“CIA: confidentiality , integrity , and availability .”


confidentiality, integrity, and availability, so I make sure that everything is IT compliant. And I run vulnerability scanning every time they have a vulnerability on the Internet or their system.” With his Cisco Networking and Security Plus certificates, Allen has confidence that New Place of Recovery’s network is safe and sound. Because of his working relationship with the house managers, Allen sometimes has the opportunity to talk to the clients who live there and to be a mentor. For one young man in particular, who professed an interest in IT, Allen told him that after he completes the program and gets back on his feet, Allen will help him get his IT certificate. “He was so eager, and he loved what I told him.” But the client worried that it would be a very difficult task. “I told him, ‘It's just self-discipline.’” Allen reminded him that once he finished the program at New Place of Recovery and got himself situated, he could do it, saying, “You're going to get a job if you go through training in IT, like A plus, and Security Plus [certificates.] I told him, ‘believe me, if I see you training toward it, you're going to get a job!’ He was so happy, and I was very happy to be able to help a client like that.” In a world where computer know-how is essential and computer techs are in high demand, Allen has hopes for next year with New Place of Recovery Treatment Center to try his hand at teaching clients. “By next year, I'm trying to organize a class where I can train a lot of clients in IT.” Allen explains, “You don’t have to have a degree; you can get certifications like

A Plus and Security Plus.” He adds, “If they go through it, they're going to get a job.” Paying it forward is a beautiful thing.


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