
Colon Tammy Director of Mental Health Recovery Services Board

T o eachof youattending this conference I send my regrets that I am unable to spend time with you. I am, however, excited that this opportunity is being offered in Lima, Ohio, during a time when the behavio- ral health system needs it. This conference: Umoja: To strive for and maintain uni- ty in the family, community, nation and race, represents the very philosophy needed for our people and country to heal and prosper. T he Mental Health and Recovery Ser- vices Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Coun- ties has partnered with Lima UMADAOP for many years. Their mission to provide cul-

turally appropriate preven- tion services to African and Hispanic American com- munities, compliments the mission of the MHRSB. As we live through the ongoing ef- fects of the pandemic, the recognition of health dis- parities, and the dissention of our people, we are also living through a profession- al shortage of behavioral health providers. While we work hard to increase the number of behavioral health providers available to our people in need of behavioral health services and support, we are equally responsible to ensure that we are provid- ing these opportunities for individuals who represent our minority communities to advance our system of care to its greatest capacity.


“This conference: Umoja: To strive for andmain- tain unity in the family, community, nation and race, represents the very philosophy needed for our people and country to heal and prosper.”


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