
“ I am confident you will enjoy your learning opportunity, the people you will meet, and Lima. Much appreciation for all that you do and your commitment to do more.

I am grateful that the Urban Minority Alco- holism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program of Lima is providing you an excel- lent conference providing the opportunity to acquire the tools and resources nec- essary for professional de- velopment, leadership, and accountability. The oppor- tunity for each of you to sur- roundyourselfwith informed leaders and one another will strengthen all of us in our at- tempt to respond to our ever changing and challenging society. UMADAOP has a rich history of ensuring that minority communities’ ben- efit from culturally specific prevention, treatment, and recovery and mental health services necessary to help advance our systemof care. T he minority centered philosophy of treat- ment and education has never been more valu- able than now, as we work to deliver a care model that extends beyond the tradi- tional models and to find innovative ways to reach particularly vulnerable communities related to be- havioral and mental health.

More than ever there is a call for strong leadership, differ- ently than at any other time in our history, to bring vision and purpose to our minority and diverse communities. T oday’s leaders must manage multiple gen- erations of workers with values, interests, and needs that often are in direct conflict. We need leaders and providers who embrace the broad vision of equi- ty and inclusion and says “here’s where we are going to go, here’s why we need to go there, and here’s how we are going to get there.” We need leaders and pro- viders to believe that health disparities are an injustice because they limit the abil- ity of certain social groups to function optimally in OUR society. I am confident you will enjoy your learning opportunity, the peo- ple you will meet, and Lima. Much appreciation for all that you do and your com- mitment to do more.


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